How long is it OK to wait after you wake up to walk your dog?

I like to wait until I drink a coffee and maybe make breakfast. She doesn't complain, so I assume it is OK.I hope to never clean her "bowels" off my carpet since the bowels means the intestine.

    How long is it OK to wait after you wake up to walk your dog?

    I like to wait until I drink a coffee and maybe make breakfast. She doesn't complain, so I assume it is OK.I hope to never clean her "bowels" off my carpet since the bowels means the intestine....
    Other Pet Discussions : How long is it OK to wait after you wake up to walk your dog?...

    • How long is it OK to wait after you wake up to walk your dog?

      How long is it OK to wait after you wake up to walk your dog? Other Pet Discussions
      I like to wait until I drink a coffee and maybe make breakfast. She doesn't complain, so I assume it is OK.I hope to never clean her "bowels" off my carpet since the bowels means the intestine.

      How long is it OK to wait after you wake up to walk your dog?

      How long is it OK to wait after you wake up to walk your dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • Dogs generally want to do what you want to do, and if its a walk in the middle of the night at 2 AM they're more than willing. Dogs can always catch up on their sleep, and usually do later. Until then, they rather live up to being humans best friend and take life as its given to them.

    • Dogs can go an average of 10 hours without eliminating, so it really depends on how long it's been. But it's safe to say that if the dog is not exhibiting behavior that says it is uncomfortable or trying to get outside, then you're probably fine. They'll generally let you know when the need is urgent!