How do you get rid of your fear of snakes?

I am afraid of snakes, even grass ones that do nothing, even the ones on TV. Thank God, i have never encountered one in real life!

    How do you get rid of your fear of snakes?

    I am afraid of snakes, even grass ones that do nothing, even the ones on TV. Thank God, i have never encountered one in real life!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get rid of your fear of snakes?...

    • How do you get rid of your fear of snakes?

      How do you get rid of your fear of snakes? Other Pet Discussions
      I am afraid of snakes, even grass ones that do nothing, even the ones on TV. Thank God, i have never encountered one in real life!

      How do you get rid of your fear of snakes?

      How do you get rid of your fear of snakes? Other Pet Discussions
    • well you would need to confront your fears. maybe you can go to a pet store that has snakes and ask the people who work there to handle him for you so you can look at him and touch him and see he's not so bad. but you have to be calm and cool to do this. animals, esp snakes, can sense fear. it's what they prey on. so just take a few deep breathes and go for it. snakes are pretty cool.

    • Well if you want to get rid of your fears just buy a baby one. Get it young so you'll have time to make friends eith it before it gets bigger, and if you're an animal lover you'll be compelled to care for it so it doesn't die and your fears will go away.

    • Gradually work yourself to be comfortable in their presence. Start with seeing a snake from far away. You could go to a petstore and ask them to get out a snake and let you look at it from the otherside of the aisle/room. Gradually work yourself closer to the snake, but take your time and start over if you want. It's best to start with snakes that are harmless and have good temperments. You can also research them and get know them better.