How do you get the pee smell out of a carpet from a dog urinating?

I have nature's miracle but maybe I'm not using enough? Would vinegar work? Soap and water? She keep going back to the same spot. Shoudl I cover it with plastic till she learns or will she go else where? She's about 7 or 8 months and can hold it all…

    How do you get the pee smell out of a carpet from a dog urinating?

    I have nature's miracle but maybe I'm not using enough? Would vinegar work? Soap and water? She keep going back to the same spot. Shoudl I cover it with plastic till she learns or will she go else where? She's about 7 or 8 months and can hold it all…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get the pee smell out of a carpet from a dog urinating?...

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    • How do you get the pee smell out of a carpet from a dog urinating?

      How do you get the pee smell out of a carpet from a dog urinating? Other Pet Discussions
      I have nature's miracle but maybe I'm not using enough? Would vinegar work? Soap and water? She keep going back to the same spot. Shoudl I cover it with plastic till she learns or will she go else where? She's about 7 or 8 months and can hold it all day. 8-3 We tak eher out about once an hour in the afternoon and evening. She makes it through the night too. She gets treats for going outside.

      How do you get the pee smell out of a carpet from a dog urinating?

      How do you get the pee smell out of a carpet from a dog urinating? Other Pet Discussions
    • My mom says vinager and water usualy works best. but you might want to check at a pet store or use this thing called woolite carpet and upholestery cleaner pet stain and odor remover

    • My dog is 16 and over the past year she's started having accidents. What I've found that works well is to blot up the area, then sprinkle baking soda on it. The baking soda with neutralize it and absorb it. I let it sit there until it's dry enough to vacuum (might be a couple of days). Then after I vacuum, I spray it with Frebreze for several days.I use puppy pads and she generally does a good job. She's blind, so sometimes she misses it :(

    • Two products I have found to be fool-proof are1. Pettastic 2. Urine Gone (the one tv advertised stuff)The stuff in the Nature's Miracle is no longer really natures miracle... it is now in the Pettastic bottle... Nature's Miracle sold off it's name... and now the product in the NM bottle is like basically using water alone... so look for the PetTastic!Good Luck!