How do I get my dog to stop drinking salt water at the beach?

I've tried bringing fresh water along when we hit the beach, I've tried pulling him out of the water when her starts lapping it in.How do I communicate the consequences of this action to my dog once and for all?

    How do I get my dog to stop drinking salt water at the beach?

    I've tried bringing fresh water along when we hit the beach, I've tried pulling him out of the water when her starts lapping it in.How do I communicate the consequences of this action to my dog once and for all?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my dog to stop drinking salt water at the beach?...

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    • How do I get my dog to stop drinking salt water at the beach?

      How do I get my dog to stop drinking salt water at the beach? Other Pet Discussions
      I've tried bringing fresh water along when we hit the beach, I've tried pulling him out of the water when her starts lapping it in.How do I communicate the consequences of this action to my dog once and for all?

      How do I get my dog to stop drinking salt water at the beach?

      How do I get my dog to stop drinking salt water at the beach? Other Pet Discussions
    • put him on a leash, or let him drink it. he probably isn't going to drink enough to become ill. you could also teach him the "come" command and keep your eyes peeled and simply tell him to "come" when he is drinking it.