What are the reconmended dogs for begginers?

In the future, my twin sister wants to get a dog and so far she wants to get either a pair of border collie, Shetland sheepdogs, or dalmatians. For me I want to get a Dalmatian as well or a dog that won't bother aquarium fish because I'm planning on…

    What are the reconmended dogs for begginers?

    In the future, my twin sister wants to get a dog and so far she wants to get either a pair of border collie, Shetland sheepdogs, or dalmatians. For me I want to get a Dalmatian as well or a dog that won't bother aquarium fish because I'm planning on…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What are the reconmended dogs for begginers?...

    • What are the reconmended dogs for begginers?

      What are the reconmended dogs for begginers? Other Pet Discussions
      In the future, my twin sister wants to get a dog and so far she wants to get either a pair of border collie, Shetland sheepdogs, or dalmatians. For me I want to get a Dalmatian as well or a dog that won't bother aquarium fish because I'm planning on caring for fish as well although I have a 10 gallon tank already. ThanksThanks

      What are the reconmended dogs for begginers?

      What are the reconmended dogs for begginers? Other Pet Discussions
    • I wouldn't recommend any of those breeds for a beginner, possibly a shetland. I would get an adult dog, as a puppy is a LOT more work and responsibility. Also, start with one dog. After it has matured and trained in basic obedience, consider a second. Also, consider rescued dogs- there are some amazing dogs that need homes. Good Luck.

    • Hmm, all the dogs you mention are not beginner dogs to me. They are all really high energy dogs (especially the Dalmatian) and they will require tons of daily exercise and attention to keep them on track.I would recommend a lab or a poodle.

    • Don't worry about your fish, since dogs don't like fish. Why a pair? I would start with one dog and work your way up. Caring for one dog can be a real challenge. All the dogs you have mentioned are large dogs and will require a lot of exercise. They will also shed. I love dogs, but they are just like a child and require attention and your time. I have a standard poodle and he is great in the house and very smart. No shedding, but grooming required. A dog can be your best friend if you just treat him like one. Good Luck!

    • Well, do your research and see what breed fits you the most. I started with yorkies, and now I have bordeauxs. Both are wonderful dogs like any other breed. You have to have the time and training. A shelter dog would be your best bet! www.petfinder.com Don't worry you can find purebreds on there too! Not just mutts (:Good luck and do your research!

    • Hi,Dogs who are highly sensitive, independent thinking, or assertive may be harder for a first-time owner to manage. You'll get your best match if you take your dog-owning experience into account as you choose your new pooch. Here are the breeds:http://lnk.nu/dogtime.com/wum