What are good tricks to teach my bearded dragon to drink from a dish?

I always worry whether or not he is getting enough water, are there any tricks besides wiggling your finger in the water?

    What are good tricks to teach my bearded dragon to drink from a dish?

    I always worry whether or not he is getting enough water, are there any tricks besides wiggling your finger in the water?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What are good tricks to teach my bearded dragon to drink from a dish?...

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    • What are good tricks to teach my bearded dragon to drink from a dish?

      What are good tricks to teach my bearded dragon to drink from a dish? Other Pet Discussions
      I always worry whether or not he is getting enough water, are there any tricks besides wiggling your finger in the water?

      What are good tricks to teach my bearded dragon to drink from a dish?

      What are good tricks to teach my bearded dragon to drink from a dish? Other Pet Discussions
    • I also had that same worry so I decided to buy a little water fountain. The "sprinkle" of the water seems to do the trick.I give it a good clean once a week but have to add water almost every second day. (this means he obviously drinks) I've also heard that spraying your beardie on the head and letting the water drip down his nose also ensures that he gets water. I know that when I spray my beardie he drinks it. This apparently entices him to drink water.Added: I've not had any problems with humidity. You may have to make minor adjustments but no, I've not had problems. My beardie is very happy, responsive and healthy.

    • breadies are desert animals so i would be overly worried just leave the water in the cool end and he'll drink when needed. things like fountians or constant spraying cause cause the humidity to sky rocket which can cause illness

    • I have seen Jibblet sitting in his water bowl but I've never seen him drink and I know that he does. If you really want to do something to attract him more to the water, here is a trick I use for some of my other lizards. I take a length of tubing and small air pump for fish and place the end of the tube in the dish, it bubbles up and gets the lizards attention. One of my leopard lizards attacks the bubbles.