How do I train my puppy to walk on a leash?

I got him 4 days ago and let him walk next to me without a leash. Now I put him on a leash, but he tugs and struggles. If I keep the leash hold firm and don't move, he starts choking and coughing. I have to follow him wherever he wants to go. Any…

    How do I train my puppy to walk on a leash?

    I got him 4 days ago and let him walk next to me without a leash. Now I put him on a leash, but he tugs and struggles. If I keep the leash hold firm and don't move, he starts choking and coughing. I have to follow him wherever he wants to go. Any…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I train my puppy to walk on a leash?...

    • Well with all my dogs I let them drg the leash around the house a couple hours a day then when they were adjusted to it I would start holding the leash in the house while they were on it.. Now when they see the leash or harness they get excited and stand up so I can put them on them..Good Luck

    • He'll get use to the leash, they all go thru this. When he stopd, give him a tug and say in a voice as you would be talking to a baby, good boy/girl come on lets go. The more the dog hears this, he/ she will know your happy, and if your happy they will be happy.

    • easy start off with a really short leash just enough ur not strangling him, walk with him til he gets used to it, keep his head high for a few weeks, then let him sniff or walk with his head down and gradually let him have more slack, afterwhile he will just get used to it and walk with you, not ahead of you dragging you, or behind you u dragging him. dogs tend to go where their noses take them, since like our eyesight, their noses are their dominant sense. hope this helped, i used to train dogs to walk on leashes, and this seemed to work for me pretty well. k? later ;)

    • Your putting to much force on the leash.Instead of pulling real tight pull on it just enough so that the dog gets the idea of staying next to you.Jerk the leash every so often.I didn't say pull it,jerk it.You have to be patient with the dog,but consistent in training it.You should not get mad and purposely pull the leash to choke the dog.Your not helping the dog to understand what you want by doing that.You can also take some treats along when you walk him.Give him one each time he does good.Say good boy or girl.You have to let the dog know that you are the master not the dog.There are different ways to train a dog,go to the library and pick up a book or two how to train a dog.That should help a lot.

    • Reading the answers posted here, I noticed that nobody asked the age or breed of your new puppy. The type of collar or harness you select should be based on your breed, and "older" puppies will train more quickly than young ones. Also, if the pup is quite young, you will have to walk him daily to reinforce his training or he will forget it. In my experience their training memory really begins to stick at about the age of 1 year.

    • just take your dog out for a walk on the leash make sure you teach him commands like heel, or stay while on a walk. heel make the dog slow down do this by giving a gentle tug leash

    • I always used a nylon harness instead of a collar. Seems like they always pull with a collar. The biggest misconception is a choker collar don't ever use them, they are cruel.

    • Take him to a park and stay by his side. Then drop the leash. ( Don't have to do )When he gets used to that walked with. Pick up the leash and walk with him. When he goes the wrong way then firmly say no this way and if he dont listen than pick HIM UP CARRY HIM FOR A LITTLE WHILE THEN put him down call his name and run!!!!! lol ss about the capitals.

    • It will take time for your puppy to get used to the leash, and you have the time to train him. You could also offer little bites of food, and he should eventually get used to getting treats for doing good, as well.Thanks.

    • It seems cruel, to continue keeping him on a leash, but, I think your doing the right thing, by starting him, at this age! Just be persistant, about it, and dont make it so loose that he can wiggle out of it, but also dont make it so tight that he's uncomfortable. Sniffing around is natural, for dogs, to do, this is also a dog/type of rebelling about the leash issue..... Their trying to let you know they dont like it anyway, they can. But, eventually he'll get use to it. Its sort of heart breaking, just like weening a baby from the bottle, but, once he's used to it, everyone can relax, and all your efforts will have been paid-off!!! Good-Luck!! I'd also check his collar, by putting two fingers between, if you cant, then its definately too tight !! Ease, up a notch, maybe two. Have Fun!!

    • a good collar is the key, when he starts to tug or pull away give him a little yank, and tell him no! or make a sound, remember when he does good give him a treat, or praise him, this will sticki in his head and remind him everytime he does follow good that he is doing the right thing, also hes still a puppy, it takes a while for any dog to learn thingsdon;t be afraid to use a little of force, you are the alpha dog here not him

    • Its but normal for dogs to be restless at times, they dont like being tied, they rather love if you let them run freely...base on experience, we dont tie our dogs, they get naughty and noisy if we do...

    • The breeder gave yuo the best answer. I just brought my puppy to puppy training classes and that's what they told me. If you don't want or can't afford a harness it's ok just attach the leash inside and let him walk around like that for awhile. As for the sniffing I let Hunter sniff for awhile but he needs to know I am boss so not long just give him a tug and he should start back on his way. Good luck and have fun. Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot about puppies..... That's a magnet I have I love it