How can I get my husky to walk on a leash?

Whenever I try to walk my husky on a walk, she lays down and refuses to move.She was not rescued, we got her from a friend whose dog had puppies.What can I do to get her not to be afraid of walking on a leash?Oh, sorry!! She's about 2 years old, I think.

    How can I get my husky to walk on a leash?

    Whenever I try to walk my husky on a walk, she lays down and refuses to move.She was not rescued, we got her from a friend whose dog had puppies.What can I do to get her not to be afraid of walking on a leash?Oh, sorry!! She's about 2 years old, I think....
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    • How can I get my husky to walk on a leash?

      How can I get my husky to walk on a leash? Other Pet Discussions
      Whenever I try to walk my husky on a walk, she lays down and refuses to move.She was not rescued, we got her from a friend whose dog had puppies.What can I do to get her not to be afraid of walking on a leash?Oh, sorry!! She's about 2 years old, I think.

      How can I get my husky to walk on a leash?

      How can I get my husky to walk on a leash? Other Pet Discussions
    • Going out on a lead takes getting used to. Take her for walks around the garden and praise her if she manages to acheive anything. She might not like being dragged around so encourage her to follow you.

    • Hi you did not write how old your dog is but a lot of pups when taken out for the first walks are a bit overwhelmed by the experience and lay down. That is very normal. She needs to get used to the smells, noises and everything else of the outside world. Just stay with her and give her time, maybe coax her with some yummy tit bits.

    • She's not used to the leash quite yet. I suggest just leaving the leash on her and let her drag it around the house. Make sure though you are supervising her and she can't get caught in anything. Later once she ignores the leash, try grabbing the leash but let her lead. once she's comfortable with that, show some treats and have her follow you.

    • Hi you can help your dog through a correct training. It will teach your dog the proper ways of walking on a leash. You can't just pull or force your dog to walk. There are safety precautions we need to consider. What important is your dog is safe and she enjoys her walks. Check out the link below for more info about training your dog.!

    • Forging ahead is the biggest problem when walking adolescent dogs on-leash. Dogs pull on leash for a variety of reasons. Many adolescent dogs pull on-leash, because they were allowed to pull as puppies. Once the leash is tightened, your dog no longer has to pay attention to you, since it has a taut telegraph wire through which it may sense your every move and even your very intentions, thus freeing its nose, ears and eyes to 'scope the 'hood. Also, it would appear that pulling on leash is intrinsically enjoyable and self-reinforcing for many dogs. It is as if most dogs view a trip to post a letter at Shattuck and Vine as a work-out for the Iditarod. Whatever the reason, leash-pulling is usually unacceptable and often dangerous. Once the leash is tightened, you can no longer control your dog - a principle of elementary physics. Anyway, here's how to get your husky to walk on a leash