Can anyone help me teach my Kitten use the litter box?

My kitten about 8 weeks old and won't use the litter box. I've tried to move it front paw so it can get the idea but it keep pooping under my bed. I even have the kitten in a box in which it can't come out with the kitten litter in it can someone help…

    Can anyone help me teach my Kitten use the litter box?

    My kitten about 8 weeks old and won't use the litter box. I've tried to move it front paw so it can get the idea but it keep pooping under my bed. I even have the kitten in a box in which it can't come out with the kitten litter in it can someone help…...
    Other Pet Discussions : Can anyone help me teach my Kitten use the litter box?...

    • Can anyone help me teach my Kitten use the litter box?

      Can anyone help me teach my Kitten use the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
      My kitten about 8 weeks old and won't use the litter box. I've tried to move it front paw so it can get the idea but it keep pooping under my bed. I even have the kitten in a box in which it can't come out with the kitten litter in it can someone help me.the mother was a outdoor cat

      Can anyone help me teach my Kitten use the litter box?

      Can anyone help me teach my Kitten use the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
    • during the day, just place it in the litterbox. doesn't matter if it has to go or not, just do it. it will eventually get the idea. and also, use the reward system. when it stops pooping under your bed, give it a treat or something. that's how we trained ours.

    • Kittens usually learn this sort of thing from their mothers. Sounds like it may have left the mother too soon.Anyway, put the kitten in the litter box a few minutes after it eats or drinks and then move his/her paws to make the scratching sound. I've seen this work.

    • I don't know if the mother cat is around because the kitten will learn by watching its mother , try rubbing his paws in the litter as if you're buring something, and place the litter box where the kitten usually goes. good luck.

    • put it inside and take its paw, and then dig with it. normally they get what they have to do. and remove everything fast out of the litter box, cats dont like bad smell at all. try changing the litter as well.

    • Put the box under the bed and everyday move it about a foot into the direction where you want to permanately have the box. Hope this works, cats are weird critters. I have 4 of them.

    • Well, you have to watch for a few signs: if your kitten is sniffing around in corners or around where it usually does its business, and if it gets a nervous look on its face. if you see any of these signs, you should pick up your kitten and place it in the litter box. those signs usually indicate that a cat needs to use the bathroom. this method worked for my cat, and i wish you luck.

    • first put her in a room with food and water leave her in there make sure it's emty leave a litter box in there to. leave her in ther for 24hrs. she will hate the filth so much she will use the litter box I used it on my cat and now she even throws up in it.

    • Put the kitten into the litter box often and move it's front paws in a digging motion to give it the idea. We had our litter box in the bathroom and although it sounds a bit cruel we shut the kitten in the bathroom for a couple of days until it had the idea firmly in it's head about using the litter box.

    • You might try putting the poop in the litter box so he smells it. Most of my kittens follow thier mother's into it. At first all they want to do is play in the litter, but put some of the poop your finding under the bed in there. Make sure you clean up under the bed and try to get rid of the smell.

    • When she poops catch her. Point and say bad. Make sure she understands you aren't happy. Pick the poop up with a scoop. Take the poop and the kitten into the litter box and put them both in the litter box. Say good.This worked for four cats and the technique my grandmother uses. (She is a breeder. She breeds somalis and has been doing so for 27 years. She has an average of 20 cats in her house at a time and approx 10-15 kittens depending on season and demand.)

    • Since it is a young kitty, it shouldn't be too hard. Get a sample of its urine, and wipe it on the edge of the litter box. It will smell it, and put two, and two together. You can do the same if you want to train it to go to the bathroom toilet. It takes a little patience.Oh! Do the same with its poop.

    • Baby can be stubborn isn't she? I agree that when you see her sniffing around put her in the little box and when she tries to get out, put her back. Plop her in her box after she eats as well. Mother cats try to excourage kitten to void after meals. If she was a farm kitten, she should be used to dirt to go poop into. Make certain the box sides are low enough a small kitten can get into easily too. If you leave the house, put her in the bathroom with her little box and her water and food. Make certain her food and water are on the opposite side of the room...cats don't like litter boxes and food next to each other. when you come home, open the door and praise and pet her. (she'll have missed you, but you also have provided her a place to go potty). Good luck. I never had trouble with our kittens. They all seemed to know where to go and many of them have been farm-born.

    • First you should start out with watching her go during day time if she looks like she has to go bring your cat to the litter box!If you have a friend with a kitten you should ask for a advice!If people cant help you out you should ask a vet or try getting a book on how to potty train your kitten!

    • True, the mommy cat usually teaches them, but there's also instinct.1. Put it in the box frequently, especially after meals. Put any poops from under the bed in the box too, so he gets the idea.If he continues, you could try putting him in a small enclosed room for a "little while" -- like a few hours, max. If he's in a small room like a bathroom, with the litter box and food/water in there, he'll likely use the box. Kitties don't like to **** where they eat!!! If you have his food/water a few feet away from the litter box, plus you're putting him in the box, he should start getting the idea. It takes a little bit of work, but he'll get it.