How do I get my dog to not cry when I walk out the door?

I keep him in a crate when I am not at home. I can hear him whining/barking by the time I get down the stairs. I just bought him Tuesday, so it's a new environment, but I can't have him driving my neighbors crazy. He is a 4 year old Pekingese.

    How do I get my dog to not cry when I walk out the door?

    I keep him in a crate when I am not at home. I can hear him whining/barking by the time I get down the stairs. I just bought him Tuesday, so it's a new environment, but I can't have him driving my neighbors crazy. He is a 4 year old Pekingese....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my dog to not cry when I walk out the door?...

    • How do I get my dog to not cry when I walk out the door?

      How do I get my dog to not cry when I walk out the door? Other Pet Discussions
      I keep him in a crate when I am not at home. I can hear him whining/barking by the time I get down the stairs. I just bought him Tuesday, so it's a new environment, but I can't have him driving my neighbors crazy. He is a 4 year old Pekingese.

      How do I get my dog to not cry when I walk out the door?

      How do I get my dog to not cry when I walk out the door? Other Pet Discussions
    • There are these toys you can get that you record your own voices & it is supposed to comfort the dog because they here your voice !!! Hope you find something that works !!!!

    • How sad for your dog. I think this "crate the dog" idea is so cruel. Obviously, he is not used to this and you should let him out. Instead of being concerned about the neighbors, you should worry about the sanity of the poor dog.

    • Well your dog is probably adjusting to new environment and routine. dogs natural don't like to be alone either. One thing you can do for now is get a muzzle. It will discourage the winning

    • here is the best best, adviceDon't walk out the doorjkjk, my new lab did the same thing, she whinned, but just let him get used to everything. Try to stay with him awhile and do little training things, walk out the door and if he whines pop him and say NO. He thinks you are going to leave and never come back. Go short distances at first and always come back asap. Let him know your commn back.good luck

    • maybe he is not used to be in a crate. let him get used to it. try it, while you are there and let him out maybe every 2 hours so, he will not get an idea that everytime you put him there you're leaving him

    • You know that 'old' saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."? I don't believe it. I have a five year old, hyped up woman dog. She still learns things. It is definately getting used to his new owner, new owner's home, and a new style of life for him. I would tell her "cry?" when she did cry. This way she learned the word associated with the action. By the age of four, I know that hew understands the word "no". Tell him "no cry". Tell him you will be back. The treat/snack thing would probably be beneficial when he immediately stops crying when you ask him to. Definately using one or two word phrases, I found, to be really helpful. I really think this helped her learn so much more quickly. I found it helpful to call her crate/cage, her 'house'. "Go your house", would be a common phrase. Place comfy things in there for him. I would wear something that I didn't really care about, like a sweatshirt. I would then throw it in there at the end of the day. A blanket or even towels are great too. Definately a toy or two, food and a water bottle. Eventually he will understand your routines and get it. Remember patience, from both of you, is extremely important.

    • put something u ware in the crate with the dog, that way he has something with ur sent on it, just make sure its not something u don't mind getting ripped up cause he probably will shredd it. and u could try putting a clock that ticks by the crate as it sometimes sounds like a human heart.