How can I get my puppy to get use to her leash and collar?

I am trying to start training my puppy to walk with a leash outside, and to go potty outside. Everytime i put the leash on my puppy she gets very defensive and starts biting it and barking and growling, she won't walk when the leash is on her either what…

    How can I get my puppy to get use to her leash and collar?

    I am trying to start training my puppy to walk with a leash outside, and to go potty outside. Everytime i put the leash on my puppy she gets very defensive and starts biting it and barking and growling, she won't walk when the leash is on her either what…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I get my puppy to get use to her leash and collar?...

    • Let me tell ya what I did. You just have to keep on using the leash whether they like it or not they she will get used to it! THE BEST WAY TO HOUSE TRAIN IS::: Every time your dog goes in the house u smack her in the nose stick her face in it and say NO affirmatively!! THEN u bring her outside. When she does go outside u reward her w/ a treat and say good girl! after a few times she will be running outside to go so she can get a treat!! WOW I said a lot hope it helped!

    • the longer you can keep the collar on the puppy and keep taking it for walks it will get used to it in no time. It's automatic for an animal that has never worn a collar to try to reject it. I know it sounds mean but if you leave the collar on the puppy it will then have no outlet but to get up and walk when its hungry or wants to move.

    • Make it fun and repetitive. Don't show that you are anxious about getting her to wear her collar,as she will feel it is a threat. Also link the leash up with affirmation. What a good dog she is etc. Make it all a game. All dogs love games.

    • keep her collar on her at all times, even when you don't need to connect the leash to it. And you need to show her that you're the boss. Pull her (GENTLY) with the leash, and try to teach her how to heel. If she's not too little, you might want to get a choker collar to teach her to obey, and that you're the boss. Trust me on this one, this is very important to do now. If you can teach your dog how to heel (stay right beside you on your left side and keep pace with you) then it will majorly help you with any other training issues you may have.Also--keep her on the leash attached to your belt loop inside too, so that she doesn't have a choice and she realizes that when the leash is on, it means she stays with you, no arguing.