What do you think is the most intimidating land animal in the animal kingdom?

What animal do you think most animals would feel intimidated by?I say it's a tie between an elephant and a snake. I'm kinda leaning more towards a snake. I feel that in a showdown most animals would probably want to avoid getting into a confrontation…

    What do you think is the most intimidating land animal in the animal kingdom?

    What animal do you think most animals would feel intimidated by?I say it's a tie between an elephant and a snake. I'm kinda leaning more towards a snake. I feel that in a showdown most animals would probably want to avoid getting into a confrontation…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What do you think is the most intimidating land animal in the animal kingdom?...

    • What do you think is the most intimidating land animal in the animal kingdom?

      What do you think is the most intimidating land animal in the animal kingdom? Other Pet Discussions
      What animal do you think most animals would feel intimidated by?I say it's a tie between an elephant and a snake. I'm kinda leaning more towards a snake. I feel that in a showdown most animals would probably want to avoid getting into a confrontation with a snake. What do you guys think?

      What do you think is the most intimidating land animal in the animal kingdom?

      What do you think is the most intimidating land animal in the animal kingdom? Other Pet Discussions
    • Imagine you are any animal and you watch a human kill one of your own with a gun, you'll be like WTF that two legged thing is killing us without throwing a punch, how!? A group of elephants would run in fear at the sight of a human because THEY KNOW they can die in a second.HUMANS - SUPREME BEAST