What is the best was to administer liquid medicine to a cat the completely refuses to take it?

We will wrap her up in a towel to keep her claws covered and then hold her head. Another person holds a syringe with the medication in to try and get it into the side of her mouth but she will completely freak out. She starts to scream, squirm, fight…

    What is the best was to administer liquid medicine to a cat the completely refuses to take it?

    We will wrap her up in a towel to keep her claws covered and then hold her head. Another person holds a syringe with the medication in to try and get it into the side of her mouth but she will completely freak out. She starts to scream, squirm, fight…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best was to administer liquid medicine to a cat the completely refuses to take it?...

    • What is the best was to administer liquid medicine to a cat the completely refuses to take it?

      What is the best was to administer liquid medicine to a cat the completely refuses to take it? Other Pet Discussions
      We will wrap her up in a towel to keep her claws covered and then hold her head. Another person holds a syringe with the medication in to try and get it into the side of her mouth but she will completely freak out. She starts to scream, squirm, fight so it becomes completely impossible to give her the medicine. Any ideas would help. Please!!!!!!

      What is the best was to administer liquid medicine to a cat the completely refuses to take it?

      What is the best was to administer liquid medicine to a cat the completely refuses to take it? Other Pet Discussions
    • what i would think would help would be put it on the cats food? maybe it wont realize what its eating or give it a treat with it so it hides the smell

    • my kitty is taking amoxidrops atm and i asked the same question last night. Kitty spit it up a lot. So I held him like a baby, held his head in my armpit and put it in the side of his mouth. I pushed the syringe to the back of his throat and gave it to him real quick. Kitty will swallow it naturally. Pet him before hand and sneak it up on him. Make it seem like you just want to give her lovings! then give her the medicine when she least expects. :) Give her a treat afterwards so she KNOWS she did a good job and you still love her.

    • When you say "Hold her head", I would suggest that the best way to do that is to go to the back of her head and gather up a LOT of skin at the scruff of her neck and to hold her head back a bit. You have to hold her firmly. By gathering up a handful of skin you will find it will pull away from her mouth, her mouth may be a bit open and you will be able to insert the syringe in the corner and slowly but firmly squirt in the liquid. Good luck. Cats can be a nightmare to dose. Tablets too!