What is the best way to integrate an adult female Calico cat to a home with 3 boys?

My friend just got two new cats from the shelter. She already has 2 adult male long hairs, and we brought home an adult female Calico and a 4 month old domestic Male. The three males get along decently, they still don't like the kitten much, but hes…

    What is the best way to integrate an adult female Calico cat to a home with 3 boys?

    My friend just got two new cats from the shelter. She already has 2 adult male long hairs, and we brought home an adult female Calico and a 4 month old domestic Male. The three males get along decently, they still don't like the kitten much, but hes…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to integrate an adult female Calico cat to a home with 3 boys?...

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    • What is the best way to integrate an adult female Calico cat to a home with 3 boys?

      What is the best way to integrate an adult female Calico cat to a home with 3 boys? Other Pet Discussions
      My friend just got two new cats from the shelter. She already has 2 adult male long hairs, and we brought home an adult female Calico and a 4 month old domestic Male. The three males get along decently, they still don't like the kitten much, but hes oblivious. Problem is, the female, while wonderful with people, dislikes the males, hissing any time any of the three males get near her. My friend has separated her from the group, and is stressing about what to do, she doesn't wanna put them together like this, as the two males are declawed and the female has claws. Any ideas on how to get them to play nice? Any help would be wonderful, my friend feels terrible putting the Calico in exile.

      What is the best way to integrate an adult female Calico cat to a home with 3 boys?

      What is the best way to integrate an adult female Calico cat to a home with 3 boys? Other Pet Discussions
    • The female may be trying to assert herself as she's in new territory and she feels overwhelmed by having three strange cats to deal with. It might help to put the new cat in a separate room for a while. Let her get used to being in the house without having the stress of new cats to get used to, especially cats who already live there and therefore are "dominant" from her viewpoint. In the meantime she can begin to get used to their scent, and they hers, from underneath the door that separates them. After a week or two your friend could begin bringing in the male cats one at a time to visit with the female cat. This way she could begin getting used to them without it being overwhelming 3-on-one. As things improve (hopefully) the visits could become longer and they could become two males at a time. Then eventually the female could be introduced back into the main part of the house. We recently introduced two new male kittens into our house which had a female cat who had recently lost her male littermate. We used this method, keeping the boy kittens in a bedroom and bringing the girl cat in for visits until it got to the point that she seemed accepting enough of them. There were still a few bumps in the road once we let the boys out (she hisses occasionally just to show them who is "boss") but overall it went very well.

    • I raise and breed Siamese kitties and Ive been there! It will take time- patience and lots of love! She is probably very scared being in a brand new place all of a sudden. She was in a little tiny cage at the Shelter so this is so new to her. The freedom alone is new to her. Now she is with these other cats that she doesn't know at all! When u r at home make sure that they are all together. Don't keep them separated when you are with them. They do need to get to know each other. And the more they r around each other- the faster they will get use to each other. If you r concerned about the time you are away- then separate them when not home but as soon as u get home make sure they are all together. if they are always separated they will NEVER get use to each other. And the males will probably just walk away when the little female hisses. I don't think she will hurt them she is just extremely scared. She needs lot of love and time and patience. Please do not give up on her. She has had a very rough start in life and needs the chance to have a happy home. But I cannot stress it enough- you do NOT want to keep them separated! They need to be around each other as much as possible. If she keeps her separated from them she will become very shy and anti social and that's no good. A little hissing never hurt anyone! Trust me- some of mine get mody and hiss at each other but that's just them letting each other know to back off. And as long as they back off when she does that all is well. Good Luck! My e mail is [email protected] if you need any advice Happy new Year!