How can I treat my Savannah monitors compaction?

My Savannah monitor is pretty severely compacted, the vent quite pink and iritated and I can see some of the compaction sticking out. I am planning a vet visit, but I want to know if there is anything I can do right now to help him.

    How can I treat my Savannah monitors compaction?

    My Savannah monitor is pretty severely compacted, the vent quite pink and iritated and I can see some of the compaction sticking out. I am planning a vet visit, but I want to know if there is anything I can do right now to help him....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I treat my Savannah monitors compaction?...

    • How can I treat my Savannah monitors compaction?

      How can I treat my Savannah monitors compaction? Other Pet Discussions
      My Savannah monitor is pretty severely compacted, the vent quite pink and iritated and I can see some of the compaction sticking out. I am planning a vet visit, but I want to know if there is anything I can do right now to help him.

      How can I treat my Savannah monitors compaction?

      How can I treat my Savannah monitors compaction? Other Pet Discussions
    • First, poop in front of him, so he knows how. If he doesn't catch on, smack its face. Then get a big pile of your own poo, and make him live in it. Eventually it will die and poo, if this doesn't work, then kill yourself.

    • Get him in a warm bath NOW ! This helps relieve some of the pain and distress.Without knowing the length or weight of your monitor doses are for a 24" juvenile Savannah...The faecal mass gets jammed in the cloaca and pelvis and eventually presses on the leg nerves - causing the typical rear limb paralysis. You do need to relieve this obstruction and pressure as soon as possible.First Aid for constipation is:Part #1After soaking in a warm bath for 10 minutes -Warm about an ounce (30 ml) of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly until it just begins to melt. Smear liberal quantities of it on and around the dried faeces and get some behind the mass [get it inside the cloaca].Put him in the bath again and gently pull and squeeze on the faecal mass and try and break it up as it leaves his body [can be smelly and messy].PART #2Once you have removed the external, viewable faecal mass obtain a 20 ml syringe and a short length of aquarium air-line tubing.Warm 20+ ml of Olive Oil and draw it up in the syringe. Get someone to hold the lizard head-down and places the air-line GENTLY into the cloaca as far as it will go and inject the olive oil in.Put him back in the bath again for 10 minutes.PART #3Obtain some Liquid Paraffin [UK] from a pharmacy and give him 20 ml by mouth every day to act as a lubricant for the gut and remaining impacted faeces. In USA the same substance is Mineral Oil -[ You cannot use olive oil or any cooking oils as they will be digested before they reach the colon; liquid paraffin cannot be digested so will lubricate the gut ].PART #4Repeat the olive oil and liquid paraffin daily until he poopsThen just give the oral mineral oil until his poop is normal to loose...Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you need more help....================================================================Constipation is caused by dehydration, poor choice of food from the owner and lack of exercise.If the poop is very chalky, granular, or white / creamy colour then it is URATES - indicating severe, long-term dehydration and possible kidney damage.Make sure your monitor always has plenty of cool, fresh water. Give it a bath / swim at least twice a week to reduce the chance of this happening again.If the poop is "normal" brown colour but just very dry, then again, he is very dehydrated.What are you feeding him on ??What substrate & temperatures are the vivarium at ??.