How can I make international travel comfortable for my cat?

We need to travel internationally with our cat this summer and I'm looking for tips on how to make sure the travel is as easy as possible for her. Thank you for any advice you have!

    How can I make international travel comfortable for my cat?

    We need to travel internationally with our cat this summer and I'm looking for tips on how to make sure the travel is as easy as possible for her. Thank you for any advice you have!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I make international travel comfortable for my cat?...

    • How can I make international travel comfortable for my cat?

      How can I make international travel comfortable for my cat? Other Pet Discussions
      We need to travel internationally with our cat this summer and I'm looking for tips on how to make sure the travel is as easy as possible for her. Thank you for any advice you have!

      How can I make international travel comfortable for my cat?

      How can I make international travel comfortable for my cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • There really is now way to make it "comfortable" for her. Some ways to make it a little easier for her:Bring all of her things with you. Don't buy a new bed, bowls, etc. She will want something that is familiar to her and smells like home. Start her off in a small room, or bathroom. She will want to feel secure and it is easier if they don't have the whole place to run and hide at first. Use the same food, if possible. Hope I helped!