How old do chihuahua puppies have to be to get their first shots?

I have two 1 week old chihuahuas. Their mom died when they were a day old. Ever since then we've fed them "Just Born" powdered milk. But I need to know if they should get their shots earlier than normal puppies since they don't drink their moms milk. …

    How old do chihuahua puppies have to be to get their first shots?

    I have two 1 week old chihuahuas. Their mom died when they were a day old. Ever since then we've fed them "Just Born" powdered milk. But I need to know if they should get their shots earlier than normal puppies since they don't drink their moms milk. …...
    Other Pet Discussions : How old do chihuahua puppies have to be to get their first shots?...

    • How old do chihuahua puppies have to be to get their first shots?

      How old do chihuahua puppies have to be to get their first shots? Other Pet Discussions
      I have two 1 week old chihuahuas. Their mom died when they were a day old. Ever since then we've fed them "Just Born" powdered milk. But I need to know if they should get their shots earlier than normal puppies since they don't drink their moms milk. I've heard that by drinking their moms milk they are temporarily safe from diseases. Please help! I don't want them to die. They are the only thing I have that Is left from my dog.

      How old do chihuahua puppies have to be to get their first shots?

      How old do chihuahua puppies have to be to get their first shots? Other Pet Discussions
    • The best way to know for sure is to give your vet a call and ask them their opinion on when is the best time to get their shots. They'll know much better than we will, and making a call can't hurt anything, a call doesn't cost a thing.Good luck, hope all turns out okay for you and those babies.

    • Keep doing the milk. Do you homework though..make sure your comparing ingridients not prices. Make sure you get a milk that has a lot of nutrients in it. (Pro-Biolic recommend) You can start feeding dry puppy food at 5 weeks old. SOFTEN with water(no human milk) Get it very soggy and put in on a paper plate and let him kinda set in it and play around to get him interested. Wash him off when he's done and rub a cotton ball over his rectum to stimulate a BM(it's like the mother licking there bottom to make them go). Now as far as shots go. 6 weeks is the soonest they can have them done. Good Luck with your puppy..hope all this helps!

    • I highly suggest that you go to a vet asap so you can figure out when would be a good time for them. you could also go to a breeder to find out more information about the mother and what she was like and what they suggest for you to do. if they are doing fine with the just born milk that is great, that means they are getting enough to drink and stuff.just because their mom died when they were 1 doesnt mean theyre not protected from diseases because all dogs are prone to diseases