How can I get my dachshund to not constantly bark during an entire thunderstorm?

I know she's is scared, so I guess what I'm asking is how can I help her not feel afraid. I feel bad for her, not to mention it's horribly annoying. (I love a good thunderstorm! She kind of ruins it.) She is 6 years old and has done this her whole…

    How can I get my dachshund to not constantly bark during an entire thunderstorm?

    I know she's is scared, so I guess what I'm asking is how can I help her not feel afraid. I feel bad for her, not to mention it's horribly annoying. (I love a good thunderstorm! She kind of ruins it.) She is 6 years old and has done this her whole…...
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    • How can I get my dachshund to not constantly bark during an entire thunderstorm?

      How can I get my dachshund to not constantly bark during an entire thunderstorm? Other Pet Discussions
      I know she's is scared, so I guess what I'm asking is how can I help her not feel afraid. I feel bad for her, not to mention it's horribly annoying. (I love a good thunderstorm! She kind of ruins it.) She is 6 years old and has done this her whole life.

      How can I get my dachshund to not constantly bark during an entire thunderstorm?

      How can I get my dachshund to not constantly bark during an entire thunderstorm? Other Pet Discussions
    • Have you tried to pet her? Or give her some goodies? Assure her that its ok and she wont be harmed? My dog ( Labrador Retriever) who is 10 years old does it too sometimes and they he gets petting, i speak to him with a calm voice and it seems to work.Hope that i helped you a bit. :)

    • I'd say get a bark collar.....sounds cruel but it is not... it uses regular pavlovian negative reinforcement... once he learns that barking produces a negative response consistantly he will stop barking and you and your neighbors will experience lower tension and blood pressure.... hehe

    • Try to teach her to love the the storm with you by just sitting with her and watching a movie, or somthing, to distract her from the noise outside. I had a dog that did the same thing, so I do know what I'm talking about.

    • Chamomile Tea should do the trick. Chamomile tea works very well, and is safe for her. d Dump it out of the teabag, and use 1 teaspoon for small breed, up to 1 tablespoon for a large breed. mix it in a little canned food, such as Mighty Dog, or Cesar's, and give about 30 minutes before she needs to relax. It will keep her happy, but reduce stress.If your grocer doesn't carry chamomlile, you can use 'Sleepytime Tea' as it is the same,but with added herbs. Plain chamomile tastes better to a dog.It works for any stressful situation, as it is so relaxing.

    • we had a German Shorthair Pointer with the same problem - our Vet gave her some medicine, and it calmed her down - we also tried to cover her with a blanket and bundle her like a baby - (yes, huge dog=lap dog) that worked until she decided it was for the birds and scraped like heck to get out of the blanketGood luck to you and your pup!!

    • Try melatonin.You may find Melatonin in health food stores, pharmacies, and some supermarkets. It comes in a number of forms and a wide variety of dosages, so make sure to examine the labels carefully and select a product that contains the proper dosage for dogs. Make sure that it does NOT contain other herbs or nutrients. The usual dosage is 3 mg for a dog that weighs over 30 pounds. In a few cases, very large dogs weighing well over 100 pounds needed 6 mg, but that's unusual. For dogs that weigh less than 30 pounds, give 1.5 mg. For a tiny dog, reduce the dosage even further. Keep in mind that 1,000 micrograms (mcg) is equal to 1 milligram (mg), so a 200 mcg pill, which is a common dosage form, contains only 1/15 of the amount recommended for a large dog.

    • 1 Dont lock her up or let her be alone My dog did this and all I did was play with him for a while during the storm to keep his mind off it then just let him cuddle next to you and show him you arnt afraid either at 6 this is going to be a bit harder

    • We had a dachshund too and he did the same thing for 19 years.One way we found to help him was to carry on as normal and ignore him unless it got too bad. When the storm was really bad we would rug him up in an old jumper of my mum's. The scent of her and the pressure of being rugged up helped to quiet him down.