How much and how often should I be feeding my 6-month old puppy?

She is a cocker spaniel puppy and is on Purina puppy chow and I don't want to feed her too much or too little. Also, I am now feeding her three times a day but have heard that this may be too much.

    How much and how often should I be feeding my 6-month old puppy?

    She is a cocker spaniel puppy and is on Purina puppy chow and I don't want to feed her too much or too little. Also, I am now feeding her three times a day but have heard that this may be too much....
    Other Pet Discussions : How much and how often should I be feeding my 6-month old puppy?...

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    • How much and how often should I be feeding my 6-month old puppy?

      How much and how often should I be feeding my 6-month old puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      She is a cocker spaniel puppy and is on Purina puppy chow and I don't want to feed her too much or too little. Also, I am now feeding her three times a day but have heard that this may be too much.

      How much and how often should I be feeding my 6-month old puppy?

      How much and how often should I be feeding my 6-month old puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • I've always ''free-fed'' my animals, they knew how to control themselves.But anyways, most dog food packages come with an estimated feeding amount for weight and age, on the back. Check there.

    • It depends on the dog's activity level. Three times per day is good if the dog gets normal levels of activity but cut back if you see rapid weight gain. Also, the breed of dog will enter into your feeding schedule. Best to check with the vet.

    • 3 times a day is recommended so the puppy does not experience an upset tummy... but you can cut back to twice a day... always follow the direction on the bag... if the pup does not eat all the food then your feeding him too much and only cut back by 1/2 cup for both feedings. If he's not active enough or looks too fat cut back some more... it's a trial and error kind of thing. But you never should free feed... this causes obesity and it leads to many health problems later on in life.

    • Really dogs will eat when they get hungry, but twice a day is most definitely enough.Also Purina isn't the best food for your dog, you should try Eukanuba (recommended by all vets), but alittle pricy or Iams is the next best choice.

    • If we have a puppy, we feed it morning and evening that usually works for us. not to be rude, but also for better results maybe try a different food, I highly recomend Canidae, though it can be hard to find at times, we feed it and the dogs do great,again not trying to be rude. for more info check the link.

    • It's probably best to ask your vet about this. I have one recommendation and that is to switch to a better brand of food. Puppy chow is pretty low-quality stuff. You'll be glad you switched when you start seeing improvement in the puppy's coat and smaller stools.3 meals a day is probably still okay at this age, as long as the amounts are small. Again, ask your vet about this and see what he/she recommends for a brand of food as well. Maybe Science Diet if you want a supermarket brand, but there are better quality foods that you would have to go to pet stores for. And the switch should be very gradual, mixing the new stuff into the old stuff in increasing amounts so as not to upset the pup's tummy.

    • Twice a day . once in the morning and once at night . i had a six month old puppy and she'll want more food in the middle of the day but i didn't give it to her. when she is supposed to eat at night and she doesnt i just give her some of my dinner .(meat,vegetables,fruit,etc.) just dont give it cheese , dogs are not supposed to eat cheese. also in the middle of the day and shes crying for food you can give her a little bit of dog food . When the puppy gets older you can just leave food in her bowl all day and keep refilling it . make sure it always has water too. growing puppys need lots of waterGood luck and best wishes to you and your puppy, Briana

    • I fed my puppyt 3x/day until she was just about 6 months. I have a mini-daschund who was 8 pounds and fed her a total of 3/4 cups a day at that time. I now feed her twice a day and 1/2 cup total. I also supplement with one wellness bar a day and a few cookies. Puppy food is high in fat so that is why you don't want to give her too much. Look at the guidelines on the package and give your dog a little bit less. The time to switch to adult food is around 10-12 months and then you'll have to reasess the quantity again.

    • you should find a chart in purina puppy chow's bag. it will guide you on how much you will feed her. it depends how much she weight plus her age. it's not really how many times you feed her, it's how much you feed her. if she needs 6 cups of puppy food, divide the 6 cups of puppy food on the times of day you feed her. in my example it should be 2 cups per meal if you're feeding her 3 times a day.

    • i have a 7 month old puppy, i feed him twice a day, about 1 1/2 cups food/water, in the mornings before i go to work, then i come home in the middle of the day to give him more water, then i feed/water him again when i get home from work, this seems to be working well.i've been feeding him like this for about 1 month and a half.

    • If it were me I'd feed her twice a day and maybe one cup per feeding. Three feedings might be ok depending on how much you are feeding her at each feeding! You might have a piglet on your hands soon!!! LOL!!!!