How can I prevent my dog from going under the bed?

My dog likes to go under the bed when there is lightning and thunder. I really don't like her to because she had back surgery in 2003, and I am afraid she will hurt it again. I have stuff under there already but she pushes her way through. Is there…

    How can I prevent my dog from going under the bed?

    My dog likes to go under the bed when there is lightning and thunder. I really don't like her to because she had back surgery in 2003, and I am afraid she will hurt it again. I have stuff under there already but she pushes her way through. Is there…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I prevent my dog from going under the bed?...

    • How can I prevent my dog from going under the bed?

      How can I prevent my dog from going under the bed? Other Pet Discussions
      My dog likes to go under the bed when there is lightning and thunder. I really don't like her to because she had back surgery in 2003, and I am afraid she will hurt it again. I have stuff under there already but she pushes her way through. Is there anything or anyway I can stop her from going under there?

      How can I prevent my dog from going under the bed?

      How can I prevent my dog from going under the bed? Other Pet Discussions
    • A bullet and a gun. Dogs are filthy animals and should always live outside. They have survival instincts that will allow them to adapt to their enviroment.

    • My dog does not like to vacum so we put that under my sons bed she also doesnot like the broom so we had taken a bunch of brooms and left them under the bed. Also reward her when she does not go under the bed so it becomes a good thing not to be under there.

    • A lot of dogs will go under the bed during a thunderstorm. My old dog use to do that and would bark so we wouln't want her under the bed. What we did was kept the door shut and distracted her by putting peanut butter on her nose. Sometimes that didn't work so we would put her in a room where there was a table and put a long blanket over it so it acted like a bed and she went there. Each dog is different and i hope your dogs back stays better.

    • Put the dog on a strong leash during that time, or put a thick mattress or two under the bed to where there's no room to get in. Or, during a sunny day, play a sound effects CD or tape of rain and thunder and make sure the dog sees outside that there's no rain.

    • Best thing i can say is close the door to the room so he/she cant get in and when the thunder and lightning occurs try to comfort and pet him so that he/she feels reassured hes dog used to go under my families bed and eventualy he grew out of it.

    • Block the pathway to going under the bed. My Maltese goes under the bed for peace and quiet. I can't blame him. We even have a comforter under there for him to lye on. Can you raise your bed up? That would be another solution so that he doesn't have to scrunch down to get under the bed. Thunder scares me so I can imagine how a dog feels. Can you hold your dog during thunder storms? That would be comforting too.

    • Unfortunately, when a dog is afraid of thunder, you'd best stay out of their way! They are much stronger than we think, and when they feel that they are in danger, survival instincts kick in, and their strength is unbelievable. The only choices I can think of would be to either put something totally around your bed, so there is no way to get in and nothing to push through, or remove the box spring completely, and put your mattress directly on the floor so there's nothing for her to crawl under.Have you asked your vet for suggestions? I work for a vet, and there is a medication called Acepromazine that calms an animal's nerves for storms or even traveling. The tablet(s) is/are usually given 1 1/2 - 2 hours beforehand. With traveling, it's easy to judge that, but with storms, it's a bit harder. You never know the exact moment a storm will arrive, but you can usually estimate. I'd ask your vet about it. We have a lot of patients that use it for storms. Good luck!

    • The poor dog is scared to death. You can block off the bed but you need to deal with the animal. Mine shakes so bad its heartbreaking. I get down on the floor and hold him until its done