What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose?

I have a running bet with a co-worker and the right answer will win me a lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Maybe even an Ice Dream!

    What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose?

    I have a running bet with a co-worker and the right answer will win me a lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Maybe even an Ice Dream!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose?...

    • What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose?

      What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a running bet with a co-worker and the right answer will win me a lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Maybe even an Ice Dream!

      What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose?

      What is the purpose behind putting a ring in a bull's nose? Other Pet Discussions
    • The wall dividing the nostrils, the septum, is very, very sensitive. This is exploited with bulls by piercing the septum when it's a calf, then later in life a pole with a small hook on the end can be used to lead the bull easily - & perhaps more importantly keep him at a safe distance - because if he puts any resistance against his septum ring it causes pain.p.s. it always cracks me up when i see 'tough guys' with septum rings b/c it makes them very easy to control!

    • A ring is done, as others say, for control. The nose is the most sensitive part - many times if a bull charges you and you are cornered smacking him HARD on the nose will get his attention. The ring gives a "handle" of sort - a bull weighing up to a ton (or over) there is NO human who can control him with a halter and rope. The ring is an equalizer of sorts - he still must be taught to respect it but it gives far more leverage than just a rope and halter. The ring, when it's in right, is permanent and won't come out. They ARE still used - it's not uncommon at all. There's a lot of muscle in a conditioned bull. Once in and healed...unless pulled on it does not hurt the bull. Plenty of people have nose rings. There is - not nearly as common - but there is available a "bit ring" - I'd seen that used on a bull that was broke to ride. They did demonstrations and public appearances with him and rather than use a bridle and bit (cattle mouths aren't like horses) they fixed a special ring in his nose to turn him. But the vast majority of rings are for control or in case of emergency - if you ever get pinned down by a bull pulling hard on a nose ring can save a life - if it backs him off enough to let you get away.

    • they do this to bulls and pigs to keep them from rooting under their fence/pen we use to raise pigs and with out rings in their noses they would dig under the fence everytime...with the ring it hurts if they try and it gets caught so they decide it's not worth the trouble...

    • they used to do this to bull for control with a rope. They would stake out the bull in the middle of the pasture that way he was not harrassing the female cows all day. It could be used to pull the bull around also. Bulls alsl have a tendancy to take their nose and push boards and tin off of barn walls this also stops this. I have also seen a rope tied around the front ankle and then up through the ring this stops the bull from being aggressive or used when medical attention is needed to control. A big mad bull sometimes ignores the ring but tie it to his ankle and it will submise him quickly

    • alright, seriously guys...the main purpose is for control. it's really hard keeping up to a 2000 or so pound bull under control. ESPECIALLY when there's cows in heat that he can smell. he'll get completely lovestruck and territorial sometimes, and what can a normal 170 pound man really actually do to keep the bull in place? pierce it's nose, and drag it around. yeah it hurt the calf for what? a couple of minutes or so...then it just scabbed up and healed on its own. for those vain enough to say "for looks"...you guys obviously didn't grow up on a farm, nor even been close enough to a bull to be in harm's way. i mean, we all appreciate your opinion, and even a good laugh, but seriously. lol for the old tales of riding bulls, keepin 'em tied to a post, keeping the bulls so they dont knock things down...yeah i've heard them all...because they are TRUE. so, well...with this said. the real answer to your question, is indeed...FOR CONTROL. thank you for asking by the way!-megan