7 Month Old Cat Throwing Up Foam?

For the last few days my kitten has been throwing up small amounts of white foam. He got into some peppers i was drying out, could they be toxic to him? He is eating and drinking fine, no diarrhea, but he is sleeping a lot. Any advice would be greatly…

    7 Month Old Cat Throwing Up Foam?

    For the last few days my kitten has been throwing up small amounts of white foam. He got into some peppers i was drying out, could they be toxic to him? He is eating and drinking fine, no diarrhea, but he is sleeping a lot. Any advice would be greatly…...
    Other Pet Discussions : 7 Month Old Cat Throwing Up Foam?...

    • 7 Month Old Cat Throwing Up Foam?

      7 Month Old Cat Throwing Up Foam? Other Pet Discussions
      For the last few days my kitten has been throwing up small amounts of white foam. He got into some peppers i was drying out, could they be toxic to him? He is eating and drinking fine, no diarrhea, but he is sleeping a lot. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

      7 Month Old Cat Throwing Up Foam?

      7 Month Old Cat Throwing Up Foam? Other Pet Discussions
    • Peppers aren't toxic or bad for cats. The worst they would probably do would give them diarrheaWhen a cat throws up foam it means that their stomachs are empty, otherwise they would just throw up whatever they have just eaten.Is your cat indoor or outdoor? Your cat may have chewed or licked a plant that is poisonous to them, or a frog or toad. Just watch over him for the next couple hours, if he still continues to do it then take him to the vet.

    • Pepper can irritate your cats throat and stomach, but its not toxic. Though its more likely it just has a little hairball. I would keep an eye on it, if the vomiting doesnt stop in the next 48 hrs or if he starts vomiting anything other then foam you might want to see a vet. Mostly because kittens can become dehydrated very easily. I always recommend if your really worried about him, take him to see your vet. Because as much advise as you can get from other people the only way to know for sure is if a trained pro actually puts hands on the animal. Dont stress though, hes a kitten so hes going to sleep a lot and weird stomach stuff just comes with owning a cat :)

    • Most pepper plants and their fruit are not toxic to cats, according to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center's list of poisonous plants for cats. Eating any plant in large quantities, however, can cause cats to vomit. Monitor that he is still playful and acting normal (with the exception of sleeping a lot). Being he is still eating and drinking fine and not throwing up what he ingests is positive. Most likely it is a hairball. But be careful and continue monitoring his intake of fluids as a kitten can get dehydrated very quickly. The white foam can also be a sign of stomach acid, if your cat is an indoors cat you should get some grass for cats. If you are worried the only way to resolve that is to visit a vet and get a professionals opinion. Either way if he continues to throw-up after 2 days I would definitely get him to a vet.