My cat has lumps on her stomach?

I was petting my cats tummy and i noticed a strange lump. Im guessing its about 3 cm wide. The weird thing is that it is on the outside of her body. i was able to pinch it and squeeze it and she didnt seem to notice or be any kind of pain.(other than…

    My cat has lumps on her stomach?

    I was petting my cats tummy and i noticed a strange lump. Im guessing its about 3 cm wide. The weird thing is that it is on the outside of her body. i was able to pinch it and squeeze it and she didnt seem to notice or be any kind of pain.(other than…...
    Other Pet Discussions : My cat has lumps on her stomach?...

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    • My cat has lumps on her stomach?

      My cat has lumps on her stomach? Other Pet Discussions
      I was petting my cats tummy and i noticed a strange lump. Im guessing its about 3 cm wide. The weird thing is that it is on the outside of her body. i was able to pinch it and squeeze it and she didnt seem to notice or be any kind of pain.(other than being annoyed at me for poking her lol) She is about 12-13 i no she old and may not have much time left. But she is my baby and i cant loose her i have already lost a cat to cancer and my family does not have very munch money for the vet to help her so idk what to. Please help me :....(

      My cat has lumps on her stomach?

      My cat has lumps on her stomach? Other Pet Discussions
    • First of all, if you see something strange like this you should never pinch or squeeze it. Whether its an animal or a person, you can make whatever it is worse by playing with it. Don't continue to do that to your cat.It sounds like your cat has a fatty deposit. This is very common in older animals. If she doesn't seem to be bothered by it and she's not touching it and she's going about her usual business then I wouldn't worry about it.The only thing to do right now is keep an eye on it. If it continues to grow, have it looked at by a vet. If it stays the same and it's not bothering her, then let it alone