Cat Scooting bum on the ground?

Ok long back story here. So we took our cat to the vet a while ago he said he was healthy other then he had the symptoms of allergies hes sneeze, itchy there was a rash on his stomach and he was hacking something up, vet said most likely a hairball. So…

    Cat Scooting bum on the ground?

    Ok long back story here. So we took our cat to the vet a while ago he said he was healthy other then he had the symptoms of allergies hes sneeze, itchy there was a rash on his stomach and he was hacking something up, vet said most likely a hairball. So…...
    Other Pet Discussions : Cat Scooting bum on the ground?...

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    • Cat Scooting bum on the ground?

      Cat Scooting bum on the ground? Other Pet Discussions
      Ok long back story here. So we took our cat to the vet a while ago he said he was healthy other then he had the symptoms of allergies hes sneeze, itchy there was a rash on his stomach and he was hacking something up, vet said most likely a hairball. So we changed his food and the litter we use from clay to corn. 2 days after we took our cat to the vet he was scooting his bum on the ground i checked his bum and he had hair in his bum so i figured it was because of the hairball itching him he was scooting. He hasnt done it since that was 2 weeks ago. Now all his symptoms of allergies seem to be going away, except I seen him scooting his bum again this morning after taking a poop. I checked his bum again and it was a little more pink then normal but it defiantly did look normal. He doesn't have worms our other cat never has done this and hes a big boy. My cat is only 10 months old, DSH. Thank you for your time

      Cat Scooting bum on the ground?

      Cat Scooting bum on the ground? Other Pet Discussions
    • yea so this is really normal of all cats-- or should i say BOY cats!!! so my young white cat has does this too! his butt kind of twitches, and then afters his poos =) he will always scoot on the floor. all that they are doing is wiping their butt- you know like a dog would do! and then the pinkness is just from when he does rub it, something like a rug burn happens. and then the hairballs are normal for all cats. because they will eat almost anything that they find on the floor, so when they go to digest that then obviously a whole bunch of their hair will come up with iti hope this helps, and i hope that your kitty gets over that bad habit! =)

    • The most common cause of scooting the rear end on the floor is indeed an anal gland problem. Cats have two glands just inside the anus. Normally, the small amount of material that accumulates in the glands will be secreted when cats defecate. Sometimes, however, the anal gland secretion becomes thick and pasty. As the material builds up, it causes the gland to become distended and uncomfortable. Cats try to relieve the distension of the gland by scooting their rear ends on the floor in an attempt to put pressure on the gland. This rarely works, and the glands need to be expressed manually, by your veterinarian. Owners can be taught to do this at home, but it can be tricky to learn, and many cat owners do not feel comfortable expressing the anal gland. High fiber diets are recommended in cases like this. They add bulk to the stool, and the large piece of stool may put enough pressure on the gland so that the glands stay relatively empty. If the problem persists and as a last resort you can consider surgical removal of the anal glands. It should be done by a board-certified, experienced surgeon, if the need ever arises.