Senior cat throwing up frequently?

My mother in law adopted a cat from a rescue group and she's been having issues since the day she came home. She obsessively grooms her chin to the point where she'll get tiny scabs. She has also been throwing up frequently. I'd say about 4 times a week…

    Senior cat throwing up frequently?

    My mother in law adopted a cat from a rescue group and she's been having issues since the day she came home. She obsessively grooms her chin to the point where she'll get tiny scabs. She has also been throwing up frequently. I'd say about 4 times a week…...
    Other Pet Discussions : Senior cat throwing up frequently?...

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    • Senior cat throwing up frequently?

      Senior cat throwing up frequently? Other Pet Discussions
      My mother in law adopted a cat from a rescue group and she's been having issues since the day she came home. She obsessively grooms her chin to the point where she'll get tiny scabs. She has also been throwing up frequently. I'd say about 4 times a week after meals. She never throws up hairballs, only food or if she doesn't eat soon enough, bile. Even when we feed her frequent meals (she is not free fed) she will still throw up. The rescue took her to the vet 4 times with inconclusive results. The vet said it's likely psychological. We thought she may be wolfing down her food too fast, so we tried small meals throughout the day, putting golf balls in her bowl to slow her down, putting her food on a plate, hand feeding her but she continues to get sick afterwards. She's a 10 or 11 year old cat as well. Has anyone heard of this before? If you have any suggestions of what we can try or advice you can give that would be great.I should also add that we have tried multiple types of foods but nothing seems to be helping. After she is finished eating, she goes upstairs and throws it up within 5-10 minutes.Megan - She has gone to the vet 4 times for this issue. They even kept her for a week doing tests and everything came back normal. The vet said they observed her after eating and it looks like she's forcing herself to throw up.

      Senior cat throwing up frequently?

      Senior cat throwing up frequently? Other Pet Discussions
    • My suggestion with a cat that age is to try "cat grass", this settles their stomach. Pet stores carry it. Or try switching her diet gradually to sensitive stomach formula food..find out online how to switch cat food so they gradually adjust. As a cat ages, their digestion can be more reactive just as ppl age.

    • I can tell you what I would do, you have already taken her to the vet. I would give Pepcid AC (must be AC ((and not the Pepcid complete)) active ingredient famotadine 10mg) Ideally given 20-30 minutes before feeding, the dose is 1/4 tablet twice a day (BID).