Adenocarcinoma of a mammary gland in dog?

I already wrote about my dog, but now I received the bad news and I am writing again. Here is it again briefly:The vet found a tumor on the mammary gland of my 8 year old female samoyed. She was sprayed around the age of 3, we have no idea if she had had…

    Adenocarcinoma of a mammary gland in dog?

    I already wrote about my dog, but now I received the bad news and I am writing again. Here is it again briefly:The vet found a tumor on the mammary gland of my 8 year old female samoyed. She was sprayed around the age of 3, we have no idea if she had had…...
    General Dog Discussions : Adenocarcinoma of a mammary gland in dog?...

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    • Adenocarcinoma of a mammary gland in dog?

      Adenocarcinoma of a mammary gland in dog? General Dog Discussions
      I already wrote about my dog, but now I received the bad news and I am writing again. Here is it again briefly:The vet found a tumor on the mammary gland of my 8 year old female samoyed. She was sprayed around the age of 3, we have no idea if she had had puppies before. We did a surgery on the 1st of February. They said the tumor wasn't really fused with the other tissues. The surgery went well. The professor who operated on her said that he preferred the more radical way and that's what he did - cutting down to muscle layer - the tumor, the regional lymph nodes, everything... We got the biopsy results today and it's adenocarcinoma - a malignant tumor. My question is - how malignant are those tumors, are they agressive? where apart from the lungs to they give mets? what should we look for and be careful about? i know it's pretty individual, but generally what is the prognosis?thanks in advancein her blood work before the surgery her alkaline phosphatase was elevated, otherwise everything else was perfect. she hasn't lost any weight, she has very strong appetite, her fur looks great, she's walking damn well, she even wanted to run the other day.

      Adenocarcinoma of a mammary gland in dog?

      Adenocarcinoma of a mammary gland in dog? General Dog Discussions
    • These are all good questions for your VET. In the meantime, this website will give you more info:

    • The prognosis depends upon the stage of the cancer, whether or not the surgeon got clean edges, all things you would have to ask the surgeon as none of us were there nor would we be able to do anything but guess at the answer to your question....too many variables. There is no one answer when it comes to outcome of any cancer surgery. Call and talk to the surgeon. Make a list of questions and then call him.Some Adenos are extremely aggressive and some aren't.......there is no way to get a good answer here.