3 year old male blue nosed pitbull with swollen/itchy nipple?

My blue nosed pitbull only has one nipple that is red and swollen and when I go to look at it and barely scratch it he loves it. Any idea what this could be from? And any at home things I can try to put on it to calm the itch and the swell?

    3 year old male blue nosed pitbull with swollen/itchy nipple?

    My blue nosed pitbull only has one nipple that is red and swollen and when I go to look at it and barely scratch it he loves it. Any idea what this could be from? And any at home things I can try to put on it to calm the itch and the swell?...
    General Dog Discussions : 3 year old male blue nosed pitbull with swollen/itchy nipple?...

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    • 3 year old male blue nosed pitbull with swollen/itchy nipple?

      3 year old male blue nosed pitbull with swollen/itchy nipple? General Dog Discussions
      My blue nosed pitbull only has one nipple that is red and swollen and when I go to look at it and barely scratch it he loves it. Any idea what this could be from? And any at home things I can try to put on it to calm the itch and the swell?

      3 year old male blue nosed pitbull with swollen/itchy nipple?

      3 year old male blue nosed pitbull with swollen/itchy nipple? General Dog Discussions
    • This is an infection of the mammary gland.A warm compress should help for now. Do it over and over. It is itchy with infection so he likes you scratching it. It just adds more germs to him. Not good.

    • Have you had him seen by the vet? I am not one to automatically tell people to take them in but years ago one of my labs had the same symptoms and it was a mammary tumor. Yours probably isn't but if it is only infection the vet may want to get him on an antibiotic. Good luck!

    • 2 guessesmastitis (yes male dogs can get it)skin cancer or lymph cancerbecause of the possibility of this being a cancerous tumor... I would highly recommend letting the vet have a look at it

    • Take the dog to the vet. Its likely an infection that won't go away with home treatment.and stop calling it 'blue nose' it sounds foolish.No modern pit bull is from any good 'nosed' bloodline. they simply carry the colors.

    • I don't rush off to the vet with the slightest problem either, but in this case I'd get it checked. Just as men can have mammary tumours, so can animals. I'd want to find out what's going on.