if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean?

I found a lump on my dogs back just now. I've never felt it before and it appeared suddenly because it a place where i always pet him. What is it?

    if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean?

    I found a lump on my dogs back just now. I've never felt it before and it appeared suddenly because it a place where i always pet him. What is it?...
    General Dog Discussions : if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean?...

    • if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean?

      if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean? General Dog Discussions
      I found a lump on my dogs back just now. I've never felt it before and it appeared suddenly because it a place where i always pet him. What is it?

      if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean?

      if i found a lump on my dogs back, what does it mean? General Dog Discussions
    • My German Shepherd has the same thing. Most likely it is dead tissue that just coincidentally appeared where you like to pet him/her. It is an extremely small chance it is a tumor, but you may still want to get it scanned. Hope I helped!

    • It could be a variety of things. It could be a collection of fluid, lymph, puss or blood like an abscess, blood blister, or severe bruise - this could be a minor infection (like a huge pimple), a major infection (like a festering wound), or a traumatic injury.It could be a tumor, which may be cancerous or non-cancerous. Benign (not dangerous) tumors generally grow slowly, are easily moved under the skin, and do not change the appearance of the surface beyond being lumpy. Malignant (cancerous, dangerous) tumors generally grow rapidly, metastasize (appear) in other areas, are firmly attached to a structure under the skin, are irregular in shape, and will display various differences like baldness, change in skin/coat color or other irregularities on the skin's surface.IF the lump is not warm or tender to the touch, I would measure it today and then again in a week. If it has grown AT ALL, call the vet. If it hasn't shrunk in 2 weeks, call the vet. If it goes away on it's own, make a mental note to ask the vet about it next time you visit and move on with life.