My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?

My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?

    My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?

    My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?...

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    • My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?

      My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?

      My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it?

      My dog has Lymphoma. How long before his lymphs swelled did he have it? General Dog Discussions
    • I'm not sure if there is any way to know this. Most dogs don't show any symptoms before the lymph nodes swell. Ask your vet to refer you to an oncology specialist--this is a treatable, but not curable, disease.

    • There is no way to guess, maybe a vet could tell you. Lymphoma is difficult to diagnose, the symptoms usually don't show until it has spread through out the body. Difficult to treat in both humans and dogs.So sorry.