How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet?

I understand that gestation is about 9 weeks and she's about 5 weeks into this thing now. Shouldn't I be able to tell now without a vet trip?

    How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet?

    I understand that gestation is about 9 weeks and she's about 5 weeks into this thing now. Shouldn't I be able to tell now without a vet trip?...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet?...

    • How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet?

      How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      I understand that gestation is about 9 weeks and she's about 5 weeks into this thing now. Shouldn't I be able to tell now without a vet trip?

      How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet?

      How can I tell if my Shepherd is pregnant without a trip to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • very hard to gauge. there was a point when i believed my dog was pregnant (swelling breasts, voracious appetite, etc) and she wasn't -- whereas her mother was just the opposite!!!i'd have to recommend a trip to the vet. its best to know