My pup was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat-2 other vets didn't detect anything-should I worry?

At the vet today the vet said my 3 month old pup had an irregular heartbeat. She was very wound up and excited with the other dogs and was very ancy. She was also getting shots and has been on an antibiotic for 3 weeks due to an eye scratch. I can not…

    My pup was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat-2 other vets didn't detect anything-should I worry?

    At the vet today the vet said my 3 month old pup had an irregular heartbeat. She was very wound up and excited with the other dogs and was very ancy. She was also getting shots and has been on an antibiotic for 3 weeks due to an eye scratch. I can not…...
    General Dog Discussions : My pup was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat-2 other vets didn't detect anything-should I worry?...

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    • My pup was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat-2 other vets didn't detect anything-should I worry?

      My pup was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat-2 other vets didn't detect anything-should I worry? General Dog Discussions
      At the vet today the vet said my 3 month old pup had an irregular heartbeat. She was very wound up and excited with the other dogs and was very ancy. She was also getting shots and has been on an antibiotic for 3 weeks due to an eye scratch. I can not afford a specialist. Is this a major issue or am I getting myself worked up for nothing. She had seen two other vetrinarians previously and they did not find anything wrong when listening to her heart. Thanks in advance for any help and advice!We got her at a shelter and she has been to a vet because she has needed her routine shots and it was a different vet at the same place today that gave her shots that found the irregular heartbeat. The other time at the vet was for a cat scratch in the eye. It was on a sunday so we had to go to the emergency vet. Lots of $$$$ :( Her activity level is good. She seems completely normal to me.All my vet said was that her heratbeat was irregular and that they will know more when she is spayed. I don't know, the vet did not seem to overly worried about it, but it concerns me. She never mentioned a murmer at all.

      My pup was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat-2 other vets didn't detect anything-should I worry?

      My pup was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat-2 other vets didn't detect anything-should I worry? General Dog Discussions
    • what did the vet who diagnosed it say? Irregular heartbeat is a vague description....leaky valve? coughing? lacking energy?other health issues? depending on what she has specifically she may outgrow the problem, not be bothered by it or eventually need meds .....It may not have been noticeable when the first two vets listened to her. Why has she been to three vets at three months? This sounds like a bigger story than what you have written. Best of luck

    • did the vet say it was a heart murmur? My dog has a severe heart murmur that is not always able to be detected unless he is very wound up. Call your vet back and ask her to please explaine to you in further detail what the problem is and ask do discuss every detail of what the vet heard and what it could be. If you do not fully understand what the vet is saying ask her to explain again. Any good vet is going to take the time to make sure you understand.

    • You really should give your vet a call and tell her that you are very concerned about what she said about the irregular heartbeat. Ask her to explain it to you again and ask her if she feels that it is likely to be a major concern. Any vet worth their fees will be happy to talk to an owner about any health concerns that come up, even if the owner doesn't ask about them during the scheduled appointment time (keep in mind that she probably is busy with other clients too...she will probably have to return your call, but she should get back to you the same day or the next)."Irregular heartbeat" could be a cause for concern, or it could be normal for your puppy. Dogs often have "normal sinus arrythmia," meaning that rather than the steady lub-dub heartbeat that humans have their heart beats at slightly irregular intervals. Usually though vets aren't going to comment on normal sinus arrythmia. Sometimes young puppies have minor heart murmers that will go away as they mature. The other veterinarians may not have noticed the irregular heart sounds for various reasons ranging from it being so faint that it's difficult to hear to it just not being present at the time of her previous exams.