What can I do for my dog concerning a tick?

Please help my dog! I went on vacation and dropped him off at a friends house. When I got home (4 days later) I discovered a HUGE tick on his butt area. I am so sad and scared have no clue what to do. I was able to take it off of him, but I am scared of…

    What can I do for my dog concerning a tick?

    Please help my dog! I went on vacation and dropped him off at a friends house. When I got home (4 days later) I discovered a HUGE tick on his butt area. I am so sad and scared have no clue what to do. I was able to take it off of him, but I am scared of…...
    General Dog Discussions : What can I do for my dog concerning a tick?...

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    • What can I do for my dog concerning a tick?

      What can I do for my dog concerning a tick? General Dog Discussions
      Please help my dog! I went on vacation and dropped him off at a friends house. When I got home (4 days later) I discovered a HUGE tick on his butt area. I am so sad and scared have no clue what to do. I was able to take it off of him, but I am scared of the damages it might have caused because of how big it was ( about the size of a piece of popcorn). What do I have to do? Please help me.

      What can I do for my dog concerning a tick?

      What can I do for my dog concerning a tick? General Dog Discussions
    • Dab a little alcohol on the bite and do some research on tick disease symptoms in dogs. I had a dog (or rather my sons took in one) that died of Ehrlichiosis recently. He lived about 6 weeks with the vets doing everything they could. It isn't a nice thing to see, either. They basically suffocate. The obvious symptoms don't show up until they're dying and then they cannot be saved, so you need to watch him VERY closely for any signs of illness. Take him in to the vet if he does and let him/her know that he got bitten by a tick (however many days ago) so they will know to test for antibodies for tick borne disease. It may save your dog's life.