Where can I find a Veterinary school in New York for low cost surgeries?

I'm specifically looking to get my dog's tail cut and it's very expensive through a vet.

    Where can I find a Veterinary school in New York for low cost surgeries?

    I'm specifically looking to get my dog's tail cut and it's very expensive through a vet....
    General Dog Discussions : Where can I find a Veterinary school in New York for low cost surgeries?...

    • Where can I find a Veterinary school in New York for low cost surgeries?

      Where can I find a Veterinary school in New York for low cost surgeries? General Dog Discussions
      I'm specifically looking to get my dog's tail cut and it's very expensive through a vet.

      Where can I find a Veterinary school in New York for low cost surgeries?

      Where can I find a Veterinary school in New York for low cost surgeries? General Dog Discussions
    • don't do it if your dog is more than 3 days old. after that, it becomes an appendage to them and they rely on it like a leg. i would take it that he's not a puppy, because it's not expensive when they are that young. you're stupid if you do this to your dog and obviously care nothing about him.

    • Docking a tail is cosmetic surgery and will not be a low cost procedure anywhere, especially if your dog is older now. You want the amputation done so badly, you have to pay the big bucks.