Does anyone have any info or articles about the pet store PetLand?

Okay, so I bought a puppy last april, and he's a really sweet guy, but I heard that PetLand gets a lot of their dogs from puppy mills. Does anyone know of any articles or have any facts about this? I would really like to know if my pup is a puppy mill…

    Does anyone have any info or articles about the pet store PetLand?

    Okay, so I bought a puppy last april, and he's a really sweet guy, but I heard that PetLand gets a lot of their dogs from puppy mills. Does anyone know of any articles or have any facts about this? I would really like to know if my pup is a puppy mill…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone have any info or articles about the pet store PetLand?...

    • Does anyone have any info or articles about the pet store PetLand?

      Does anyone have any info or articles about the pet store PetLand? General Dog Discussions
      Okay, so I bought a puppy last april, and he's a really sweet guy, but I heard that PetLand gets a lot of their dogs from puppy mills. Does anyone know of any articles or have any facts about this? I would really like to know if my pup is a puppy mill dog. I would be surprised, because he is a wonderful dog, and never showed any serious behavior issues that you would expect from a puppy mill dog.

      Does anyone have any info or articles about the pet store PetLand?

      Does anyone have any info or articles about the pet store PetLand? General Dog Discussions
    • He's from a puppymill, commercial breeder or a byb. Reputable breeders do not sell to pet store. Just because he hasn't shown any problems yet does not mean he won't. the Hunte Corporation - they are the biggest supplier to pet stores outside of USDA commercial breeders not just behavioral issues. There are also the long term genetic problems to consider as well.

    • PetLand is well known to be associated with puppy mills. (Actually most pet stores that sell dogs get them from puppy mills, but PetLand is especially notorious.)If you got a good, well-behaved, healthy dog, consider yourself extremely fortunate. Check out this website.

    • I was ripped off by petland. They sold me a sick animal (Small animal) that resulted in $900+++++ bills that need reimbursed. They were just handed a 1/4-1/2" thick stack of proof they owe us money and I have a feeling its going to need to go to court to get the money back. They are notorious for selling sick animals. And if you don't go to a "Corporate" PetLand then you're really screwed. Although the corporate website says they regulate their franchises they don't. I called corporate after finding out that they do deal with franchises but the lady on coprorate that runs the "switchboard" was rude transfered me to the wrong person (marketing not complaints) and the complaint woman would not let mey explain my situation and decided to keep saying "Ma'am we're not getting anywhere" and then did not understand that I do not have a "Sick animal" (which she then said we should not be denying her vet care) and that it was "petland's fault that she was sick and now has a condition that is permenant". She made me so mad I hung up on her. They do not care about their customers. If a health problem comes up then they think its the owners fault the animals get sick. Most of the time they aren't. Here are some articls for petland franchise owners actually suing the corporation for numerous things including the fact that most of the dogs they get are puppy mill dogs and sick. The humane society has done so many investigations on them its not funny. The Humane Society has tapes of proof they are puppy mill buyers. here are some links: