Would you take your son to the doctor to get him check out for worms?

I just read the previous question, they said it's about 98% chance the new puppies comes with worms, I just got a new puppy and didn't take him to a vet until today, we bought him two weeks ago. My son is one of those child that doesn't like to wash his…

    Would you take your son to the doctor to get him check out for worms?

    I just read the previous question, they said it's about 98% chance the new puppies comes with worms, I just got a new puppy and didn't take him to a vet until today, we bought him two weeks ago. My son is one of those child that doesn't like to wash his…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would you take your son to the doctor to get him check out for worms?...

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    • Would you take your son to the doctor to get him check out for worms?

      Would you take your son to the doctor to get him check out for worms? General Dog Discussions
      I just read the previous question, they said it's about 98% chance the new puppies comes with worms, I just got a new puppy and didn't take him to a vet until today, we bought him two weeks ago. My son is one of those child that doesn't like to wash his hands, and sucking his thumbs. How transmittable are the tape worm and round worms to human? He has been playing with Dog food in the food bawl, should I take him to the Pediatritian without any sign and symptoms?

      Would you take your son to the doctor to get him check out for worms?

      Would you take your son to the doctor to get him check out for worms? General Dog Discussions
    • The only.. Only way to get tape worm is to swallow a flea. But if the dog has whip, round or the worst hook worms they can be transmitted to your son. If your dog licks your son's mouth the larva eggs could be in the dogs mouth and he could get it from it. Get the dog dewormed and MAKE your son wash after playing with him!

    • Your son would have to have accidentally ingested a flea to acquire tapeworms. Round and hookworms are very transmissible to humans via fecal-oral route.Best answer? Take him to be sure. Have them deworm him. Then you won't have to worry.

    • tape worms are only transmitted through fleas - you cannot get them froma dog directly because the egg has to go thru a metamorphasis inside a flea in order to survive. so that one's out.as for rounds, yes your child can get them although the chance is very slim. he would get it by ingestion of the microscopic eggs that pass into the pup's stool - so for prevention, just make sure he starts washing his hands very well when he's done playing with the dog, especially until the dog gets treated. (easier said than done, i know.)treatment is simple (usually with a dose of the same stuff the dog gets). chances are your son's ped wouldn't treat your son unless he was showing signs of infection but you really should call and ask his dr. what their protocal is.

    • Like everyone else said, tapeworm is not transmitted from pets to people, unless the person has eaten an infested flea. if they just eat a segment, it will just pass through, they would have to eat the flea, which is the worms natural host. Round worm, can be transmitted if a person consumes a larvated egg. which is in the stool of a pet. You can get hookworms as well, but they usually die before going to deep into the body. I would get him tested. its the safest thing to do.

    • It is possible to transmit some canine parasites to humans. That said, I have worked in some mighty unsanitary conditions with dogs in my time, and often with no running water to wash up with. I never got any dog-related parasites, so I conclude that although it is possible, it is not probable. If the son hasn't had an opportunity to play in poo, then not wash his hands, I'd say it is unlikely he'd get worms.

    • If he is not showing any symptoms then there is a good chance he does not have worms. When you take your dog to the vet have then check for worms. If the dog is positive then I would call your son's doctor and tall him/her and explain why you are concerned. Doing so now will only give you another medical bill to pay. The fact is we do not know even if your dog has worms. If he does you could see then usually in the dogs feces. They will look like little grains of rice and there will be many of them. Chances are unless your son is playing where the dog uses the bathroom and then steps on it in his bare feet or puts it in his mouth he will not have worms. If he begins to show symptoms then yes. Otherwise wait to see what your vet says about your dog, then go from there. There is no reason to have your son taking medication and so on unless he needs it. Though worms can be very contagious one must first find out if the dog has them. If not then your son should be fine. =)