My friend's puppy has white bits in her poo and it is a bit mushy. What could it be?

She only noticed it today and is concerned. The dog is fine in herself. Still eating, playing and doing everything she normally does. What could be wrong with her poo?

    My friend's puppy has white bits in her poo and it is a bit mushy. What could it be?

    She only noticed it today and is concerned. The dog is fine in herself. Still eating, playing and doing everything she normally does. What could be wrong with her poo?...
    General Dog Discussions : My friend's puppy has white bits in her poo and it is a bit mushy. What could it be?...

    • My friend's puppy has white bits in her poo and it is a bit mushy. What could it be?

      My friend's puppy has white bits in her poo and it is a bit mushy. What could it be? General Dog Discussions
      She only noticed it today and is concerned. The dog is fine in herself. Still eating, playing and doing everything she normally does. What could be wrong with her poo?

      My friend's puppy has white bits in her poo and it is a bit mushy. What could it be?

      My friend's puppy has white bits in her poo and it is a bit mushy. What could it be? General Dog Discussions
    • White bits are usually worms, sounds like tape worms, does it look like bits of white rice? I suggest bagging up the poop taking to the vets and having them prescribe dewormer for the puppy. Depending on the age the puppy should have been dewormed three times, every time he got his booster shots the vet would have dewormed him.

    • Probably worms. Tell her to ask her Vet for a Prescription Wormer. OTC wormers can sometimes make the puppy sick so it is much safer to use one prescribed by the Vet.My Vet always prescribes Drontal and this can actually be purchased online. It is one of the safest wormers I know.

    • Could be tapeworm segments. Did the puppy have fleas or did it eat a wild animal? Best to have her vet check the poo for parasites and treat accordingly. There's no reason to continue feeding parasites.