What kind of worms does my kitten have?

He has had tape worms for a while, I started treatment and the man at the store told me to only give him it for a week instead of the instructed two weeks, and they came back. Now I've started the treatment again and not only am I seeing the dried tape…

    What kind of worms does my kitten have?

    He has had tape worms for a while, I started treatment and the man at the store told me to only give him it for a week instead of the instructed two weeks, and they came back. Now I've started the treatment again and not only am I seeing the dried tape…...
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of worms does my kitten have?...

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    • What kind of worms does my kitten have?

      What kind of worms does my kitten have? General Dog Discussions
      He has had tape worms for a while, I started treatment and the man at the store told me to only give him it for a week instead of the instructed two weeks, and they came back. Now I've started the treatment again and not only am I seeing the dried tape worm bits that look like rice, but very very tiny worms that look like little black lines. When you look at them really close they're moving. I looked on google and none of the typical common cat worms seem to resemble them.Does anyone know what these are?

      What kind of worms does my kitten have?

      What kind of worms does my kitten have? General Dog Discussions
    • Could be anything, the vet is your best bet. For the future, it's important you don't just let your cat roam around town, Cats are very prone to diseases and parasites. (they are the lead carrier of the toxoplasma virus) Your cat will live a longer, healthier life in cat proof fencing. As long as their basic needs are met, they will be happy. Also, since he is just a kitten it would be good to start training him young. Some people even train their cats to walk on a leash. They might not do all the cool tricks dogs can do, but they aren't uncap able of learning. Many people just don't take the time to properly care for their cats so they often have diseases unfortunately. Hope this helps you with your kitty ownership.

    • There are a dozen types of intestinal worms your kitten could have. The vet will be able to figure out what kind of worms are lurking around and give you the correct medication to get rid of them. The wormers in pet stores can be toxic and usually only remove large adult roundworms and tapeworms. They won't do anything to any larval and sub adult worms.

    • Over the counter wormers can be toxic or not work at all. Toss whatever you have remaining and take the kitten to the vet with a stool sample to be given the appropriate meds for the type(s) of worms he may have.