What dog food is best to feed my dog?

We just adopted a new dog. She is a 40 pound lab/boxer mix. With the new recall on all these pet foods, I have no idea which kind would be best to feed her. Please help!!

    What dog food is best to feed my dog?

    We just adopted a new dog. She is a 40 pound lab/boxer mix. With the new recall on all these pet foods, I have no idea which kind would be best to feed her. Please help!!...
    General Dog Discussions : What dog food is best to feed my dog?...

    • What dog food is best to feed my dog?

      What dog food is best to feed my dog? General Dog Discussions
      We just adopted a new dog. She is a 40 pound lab/boxer mix. With the new recall on all these pet foods, I have no idea which kind would be best to feed her. Please help!!

      What dog food is best to feed my dog?

      What dog food is best to feed my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • I feed Science Diet. Not on the list, great variety to fit your dog's needs, and high quality ingredients. Choose one for her needs and you will be fineALSO dont be fooled by answers some people give. It is wet AND dry food recalled, so dont go with dry food just bc it is on the shelf. From my experience it is mostly the low grade brands recalled, like Ol Roy and grocery store brands. Before you go to the store, read the list and double check...dont trust just bc it is on the shelf it is ok. Also homemade food is great if you have the knowledge to meet your dogs nutritional needs, the time to prepare it daily and lots of extra cash to pay for the expensive ingredients.

    • Iams is good and Science all have catagorys and levels of need for all dogs. I seem to notice my dog being stronger and very full of energy with a bright coat. Healty dog!

    • Check out a local health food store for Canidae. I swear by this stuff. The website has a store locator. This stuff doesn't have any of the additives, fillers, or preservatives that's killing off all these pets. You're safe with this stuff.

    • There's a list somewhere on the internet of all the bad kinds, but be careful with dog treats too. It's not just the wet dog food anymore. I think Beneful is a good one and it isn't quite as expensive as science diet but if you have the money go for it.

    • Eukanuba is a great dog food and so is Science Diet, but as you said the pet food recall makes thing's hard cus just about 90% of pet food has been recalled...I did see some Iams dog food at Walmart even tho they were on the recall list also.So until all this blow's over , I have been giving my dog a offbrand that Walmart carries called Ol Roy.Hope this help's and good luck on your new Pet

    • Stick with dry foods and stick with a good brand NOT those sold in grocery stores! Innova, Wellness, Canidae, Pro Plan, PMI/Exclusive. Remember, the big culprit these days is wheat gluten. Just be sure you are not feeding a wet food with wheat anything in it. Your dog is large so if she's a puppy, try to find a food that has a puppy food for large breeds. And congratulations on your new addition!

    • Take a look at these dog foods! They have no fillers and no by products and are very healthy and will not be on the food recall. http://www.naturapet.com/(I feel my dogs Innova). It is on the expensive side but just think about the vet bills if your dog was to have kidney failure? There are other dog foods that are pretty good like Blue Buffalo and Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul :http://www.chickensoupforthepetloverssoul.com/(Wheat gluten is not used in their products)http://www.bluebuff.com/ (Blue Buffalo)*I tryed doing homeade dog food and THOUGHT I was giving my dogs the right vitamins and food but they wound up getting sick and they werent very active anymore. The vet suggested I do NOT cook my own food and look into more organic dog foods that don't contain the wheat. (Which is the brands I listed above). Plus I was going through so much money buying extra food and my dogs are small! The above dog food can be expensive but it IS worth it. I feed my dogs Innova and I ordered it online before and it was about 45$ for the largest bag they have but I recently found a store by me that sells it so I'm going to check that out before I run out of this bag.Hope this helps! and Good luck!

    • I have 2 small dogs and have always fed them dry Iams...there are different types for small, older, big dogs and so far, it hasnt been recalled; I've gone to the Iams website and they say their food never contained the affected gluten..