How do I stop my dog from excessive whinning?

My dog whines constantly. I have tried to wait until she quiets down to respond to her, but she can carry on for hours.

    How do I stop my dog from excessive whinning?

    My dog whines constantly. I have tried to wait until she quiets down to respond to her, but she can carry on for hours....
    General Dog Discussions : How do I stop my dog from excessive whinning?...

    • How do I stop my dog from excessive whinning?

      How do I stop my dog from excessive whinning? General Dog Discussions
      My dog whines constantly. I have tried to wait until she quiets down to respond to her, but she can carry on for hours.

      How do I stop my dog from excessive whinning?

      How do I stop my dog from excessive whinning? General Dog Discussions
    • Your dogs obviously either - In distress/ In pain/ uncomfortable / Bored / Stressed.A Dog is not going to whine for hours for no reason what so ever! You need to figure out what shes whining at or why she is wining before you can evan think about training to stop the behaviour, and if you can't find anything you need to take her to the vets to check she hahasn'tot a medical problem.