How to soothe a dog with rat poisoning?

My dog got into rat poisoning. He has been to the vet and they gave him vitamin K. He is going in to the vet again in the morning. In the mean time, what can I do to make him feel a little better?

    How to soothe a dog with rat poisoning?

    My dog got into rat poisoning. He has been to the vet and they gave him vitamin K. He is going in to the vet again in the morning. In the mean time, what can I do to make him feel a little better?...
    General Dog Discussions : How to soothe a dog with rat poisoning?...

    • How to soothe a dog with rat poisoning?

      How to soothe a dog with rat poisoning? General Dog Discussions
      My dog got into rat poisoning. He has been to the vet and they gave him vitamin K. He is going in to the vet again in the morning. In the mean time, what can I do to make him feel a little better?

      How to soothe a dog with rat poisoning?

      How to soothe a dog with rat poisoning? General Dog Discussions
    • I would speak to him in a calming voice, and stroke him. Keep him in a dark, safe, quiet and comfy place. Don't force him to eat or drink, let him decide. You can leave him alone if you want and just check on him often. Sorry to hear about your dog! Hope he gets better soon!