How long does a thin dog get fat?

So I recently got an adult dog and she's thin. Not overly thin, but you can somehow see the ribcage. I'm not sure if it has been her body frame ever since, but I'm now feeding her food with high calories. When can I expect her to gain weight?

    How long does a thin dog get fat?

    So I recently got an adult dog and she's thin. Not overly thin, but you can somehow see the ribcage. I'm not sure if it has been her body frame ever since, but I'm now feeding her food with high calories. When can I expect her to gain weight?...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does a thin dog get fat?...

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    • How long does a thin dog get fat?

      How long does a thin dog get fat? General Dog Discussions
      So I recently got an adult dog and she's thin. Not overly thin, but you can somehow see the ribcage. I'm not sure if it has been her body frame ever since, but I'm now feeding her food with high calories. When can I expect her to gain weight?

      How long does a thin dog get fat?

      How long does a thin dog get fat? General Dog Discussions