What would be the cause of a deep phelgmy cough in a golden retriever?

I called a vet today and they didn't help. I have a golden retriever and he seems to be having a deep phlegm cough. There's nothing in his throat that we can see or feel. Thanks for any help ucan give

    What would be the cause of a deep phelgmy cough in a golden retriever?

    I called a vet today and they didn't help. I have a golden retriever and he seems to be having a deep phlegm cough. There's nothing in his throat that we can see or feel. Thanks for any help ucan give...
    General Dog Discussions : What would be the cause of a deep phelgmy cough in a golden retriever?...

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    • What would be the cause of a deep phelgmy cough in a golden retriever?

      What would be the cause of a deep phelgmy cough in a golden retriever? General Dog Discussions
      I called a vet today and they didn't help. I have a golden retriever and he seems to be having a deep phlegm cough. There's nothing in his throat that we can see or feel. Thanks for any help ucan give

      What would be the cause of a deep phelgmy cough in a golden retriever?

      What would be the cause of a deep phelgmy cough in a golden retriever? General Dog Discussions
    • One of my dogs has had a cough twice. Once was because he had worms in the heart from a mosquito bite and the other time he had pneumonia. Go to the vet.

    • Could be pneumonia, could be heart disease, could be kennel cough. Can't be diagnosed unless the vet examines the dog in person. And you really need to get him in - some of the causes are very serious and they all require treatment because a cough is self-perpetuating.