Dog has a yeaster bunny infection betwn her toes & keeps chewing on her foot. Can that transfer to her mouth?

She's already been to the vet. She was the one that diagnosed the yeast.

    Dog has a yeaster bunny infection betwn her toes & keeps chewing on her foot. Can that transfer to her mouth?

    She's already been to the vet. She was the one that diagnosed the yeast....
    General Dog Discussions : Dog has a yeaster bunny infection betwn her toes & keeps chewing on her foot. Can that transfer to her mouth?...

    • Dog has a yeaster bunny infection betwn her toes & keeps chewing on her foot. Can that transfer to her mouth?

      Dog has a yeaster bunny infection betwn her toes & keeps chewing on her foot. Can that transfer to her mouth? General Dog Discussions
      She's already been to the vet. She was the one that diagnosed the yeast.

      Dog has a yeaster bunny infection betwn her toes & keeps chewing on her foot. Can that transfer to her mouth?

      Dog has a yeaster bunny infection betwn her toes & keeps chewing on her foot. Can that transfer to her mouth? General Dog Discussions
    • Excuse me she has what?If she has a Yeaster bunny infection you may want to have her stop hanging out with Bugs Bunny or she may end up with a seroius case of peeps disease.