My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?

My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?

    My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?

    My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?...
    General Dog Discussions : My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?...

    • My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?

      My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok? General Dog Discussions
      My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?

      My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok?

      My Dog has a bad case of Pnemonia, will she be ok? General Dog Discussions
    • How did she get teh pnemonia? it wont clear up on its own and she will need some heavy duty antibiotics and depending on how bad it is she may need the care of the hospital staff.They may do xrays to see how bad the infection is then they can determine what medications to give herIt also depends on how she got it though. Did she aspirate on some food? If she did she may have another underlying condition that may cause this to happen again and again.Take her to the vet. TodayGood luck I hope she gets better soon

    • As long as you have your dog going to the Vet and is taking a antibiotic I would think it should be ok. Keep a close eye on your dog though. Make sure it is eating and drinking ok.Try and let it get as much exercise as possible. Do not let the dog get overly tired though!!Keep taking the dog to the Vet if you see any changes.One one knows your dog better than you do!!!good Luck