My 4 yr old neutered rottweiler has been ill for two weeks.?

We have been to vets and had antibiotics, xrays and bloodwork. Vet originally said....he aspirated something and got pnemonia. He has been on meds for 14 days now. He is getting increasingly more lethargic and is now not eating or drinikg well. Also he…

    My 4 yr old neutered rottweiler has been ill for two weeks.?

    We have been to vets and had antibiotics, xrays and bloodwork. Vet originally said....he aspirated something and got pnemonia. He has been on meds for 14 days now. He is getting increasingly more lethargic and is now not eating or drinikg well. Also he…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 4 yr old neutered rottweiler has been ill for two weeks.?...

    • My 4 yr old neutered rottweiler has been ill for two weeks.?

      My 4 yr old neutered rottweiler has been ill for two weeks.? General Dog Discussions
      We have been to vets and had antibiotics, xrays and bloodwork. Vet originally said....he aspirated something and got pnemonia. He has been on meds for 14 days now. He is getting increasingly more lethargic and is now not eating or drinikg well. Also he has begun chattering his jaw when he tries to eat and in drolling profusely.Im not looking for sacasm here. Im just inquiring......

      My 4 yr old neutered rottweiler has been ill for two weeks.?

      My 4 yr old neutered rottweiler has been ill for two weeks.? General Dog Discussions
    • Nobody on the internet will be able to solve the problem.If you are not happy with the diagnosis & treatment that your vet is providing, you should take the dog to a different vet for a 2nd opinion.

    • Oh, wait I will pull out one of the books I have from my days at vet school. Wait, I didn't go to vet school! Take your dog to another vet if you don't feel he is getting better or has been misdiagnosed.