My pet black lab is constipated. What can we do to relieve this?

We have taken him to the vet and he gave him a shot. It has been almost a week with no relief. Is there anything like an enema or something to give a dog? Please help if you've had this problem before. Thanks.

    My pet black lab is constipated. What can we do to relieve this?

    We have taken him to the vet and he gave him a shot. It has been almost a week with no relief. Is there anything like an enema or something to give a dog? Please help if you've had this problem before. Thanks....
    General Dog Discussions : My pet black lab is constipated. What can we do to relieve this?...

    • My pet black lab is constipated. What can we do to relieve this?

      My pet black lab is constipated. What can we do to relieve this? General Dog Discussions
      We have taken him to the vet and he gave him a shot. It has been almost a week with no relief. Is there anything like an enema or something to give a dog? Please help if you've had this problem before. Thanks.

      My pet black lab is constipated. What can we do to relieve this?

      My pet black lab is constipated. What can we do to relieve this? General Dog Discussions
    • you should not give any medicine or invasive treatment without calling your vet and getting their opinion's free to call. something is going on with your dog because this is not normal what did the vet say is causing constipation? have you tried changing food?ADD: CANNED PUMPKIN IN THAT SMALL AMOUNT WILL ADD TO HIS CONSTIPATION! do not give canned pumpkin like that. You MIGHT be able to give 1/4 cup canned pumpkin every hour until he goes, but even that might constipate depending how much he weighs.

    • The real question is "What caused the constipation?" Has your dog eaten a lot of rawhide or bone? Or has he ingested something that is causing a blockage.A blockage may need to be surgically removed.A couple of things you can try -- 1 tablespoon of corn oil in his food at each meal to 'grease' the intestinal tract, a laxative (Ex-lax in a child'sdosagee if he is 60 lbs. or under), a baby suppository used in the normal way (this one is tricky because you must make sure it stays in until it melts some otherwise he'll just shoot it out).If you're still not getting any results, you'd better take him in to the Vet because it's much worse than simple constipation.