Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much?

I got my hound dog mix one of those "mammoth" bones from the super market, she's been gnawing on that thing for 6 straight hours. How much is too much?

    Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much?

    I got my hound dog mix one of those "mammoth" bones from the super market, she's been gnawing on that thing for 6 straight hours. How much is too much?...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much?...

    • Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much?

      Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much? General Dog Discussions
      I got my hound dog mix one of those "mammoth" bones from the super market, she's been gnawing on that thing for 6 straight hours. How much is too much?

      Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much?

      Is it possible for a dog to chew on a bone too much? General Dog Discussions
    • She doesn't need to eat too much of it because it could make her sick (too much of a good thing would be a good way to look at it). I've bought my dogs a bone similar to that, and I'd let them chew on it for about 3 or so hours and I'd pick it up.. that way it'd last a little longer.Honestly, it comes down to how much you think is enough. Bones are good for dog's teeth, but if their gums are not used to it, it can bother the teeth and make them bleed or become swollen.Added--If those bones were so terrible for a dog's teeth, then why would a Air Force Base Cpt. and Vet suggest it? And a AFB is WAY more advanced than any vet clinic...

    • Those bones are terrible for your dog's teeth. They can cause cracking and even breaking of the teeth as they are far too dense to be edible.The safest option is a non-weight bearing bone (or from a smaller animal) and to make sure that it is covered in meat. The meat will floss between the teeth and massage the gums while the edible bone will scrape of any built up plaque. think things like a chicken quarter or pork hock rather than a tooth breaker.Bone should only make up about 10-15% of the total diet and too much can lead to imbalances and constipation.