Just found a grey spot on my dogs gum and she is eating a lot of grass, any ideas?

The spot is on the bottom back side under one tooth, thin pink line of tissue is above it on the tooth. It looks like old oatmeal, and no it won't come off. She just starting eating grass and has thrown it up. She is only 2 years old. She still wants to…

    Just found a grey spot on my dogs gum and she is eating a lot of grass, any ideas?

    The spot is on the bottom back side under one tooth, thin pink line of tissue is above it on the tooth. It looks like old oatmeal, and no it won't come off. She just starting eating grass and has thrown it up. She is only 2 years old. She still wants to…...
    General Dog Discussions : Just found a grey spot on my dogs gum and she is eating a lot of grass, any ideas?...

    • Just found a grey spot on my dogs gum and she is eating a lot of grass, any ideas?

      Just found a grey spot on my dogs gum and she is eating a lot of grass, any ideas? General Dog Discussions
      The spot is on the bottom back side under one tooth, thin pink line of tissue is above it on the tooth. It looks like old oatmeal, and no it won't come off. She just starting eating grass and has thrown it up. She is only 2 years old. She still wants to play and is very alert.

      Just found a grey spot on my dogs gum and she is eating a lot of grass, any ideas?

      Just found a grey spot on my dogs gum and she is eating a lot of grass, any ideas? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs have pink gums with black / geryish black spots.She is eating the grass because she is sick it is medicine to dogs and dogs throw up after they eat grass because they can't digest it.Get her to a vet soon to find out what it is.Good luck i hope she gets better.

    • If it looks like it doesn't belong there, keep an eye on it and if it changes or bleeds, I'd have a vet check it out. Dogs get a variety of growths in and around the mouth. Some are cause for concern and some aren't. I doubt very much if eating grass has anything to do with it. They tend to do that more in spring and early summer.