How do you keep a Pekinese from smelling so badly?

I have a 1 year old female Pekinese. I bathe her often with oatmeal/aloe shampoo that smells wonderful, but within a day she smells badly again. It's a wet dog type of smell that is very noticeable. I have tried doggy perfumes and everything. Is this…

    How do you keep a Pekinese from smelling so badly?

    I have a 1 year old female Pekinese. I bathe her often with oatmeal/aloe shampoo that smells wonderful, but within a day she smells badly again. It's a wet dog type of smell that is very noticeable. I have tried doggy perfumes and everything. Is this…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you keep a Pekinese from smelling so badly?...

    • How do you keep a Pekinese from smelling so badly?

      How do you keep a Pekinese from smelling so badly? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 1 year old female Pekinese. I bathe her often with oatmeal/aloe shampoo that smells wonderful, but within a day she smells badly again. It's a wet dog type of smell that is very noticeable. I have tried doggy perfumes and everything. Is this just going to be the case since she has a thick undercoat. Is there something different I should be doing?

      How do you keep a Pekinese from smelling so badly?

      How do you keep a Pekinese from smelling so badly? General Dog Discussions
    • It could be her diet. What are you feeding her?Try switching her to a premium food. If you do switch, switch her food GRADUALLY over a period of two weeks or so, adding more and more of the new food to the old food each day or you'll have a diarrhea situation on your hands.It also could be that her anal glands need to be expressed. (A telltale sign - she drags her butt) If your not comfortable doing this yourself, a groomer or vet can do this for you.

    • If she's persistently smelly then it's likely to be her diet; even some of the major brands of dog food are low-quality and there are certain foods that cause a dog to become smelly either because of flatulence or seepage through the skin's pores. Try changing her diet - dogs shouldn't eat wheat or cornmeal - which is present in a number of supposedly nutritious branded petfoods.If you believe it isn't her diet, then some forms of mange cause the skin to become greasy and flaky, and smell unpleasant. Check thoroughly for hard and scaly, or weepy raw patches of skin, or flakes of it in her coat. It could also be a skin infection, seborrhea (dandruff - where the skin is too oily), or even an ear infection - bad untreated ear infections can smell truly horiffic. If you don't know what to look for, or think she might have any of those, consult with a vet.Dogs are drawn to fox spray and poo like proverbial moths to proverbial candles - stop her from rolling in detritus when you go out walking; my Whippet loves to roll in muck and fox poo the moment my back's turned.

    • Bathing a dog too often can make them smell worse by stripping oils from their skin, making them produce more, which stinks. It could be diet related, it could be the wrinkles on it's face are not being cleaned and dried well after the bathing. Regular brushing helps keep the dogs coat healthy and less likely to have issues (even smelling). Make sure you are getting all the shampoo and other things off the skin very well, it could be causing issues as well.