Should you feed your dog nothing but dry dog food its whole life?

Should you feed only 2 meals a day with no scraps or treats and only dry food? that seems pretty boring to me and would equate to a horrible life...whats wrong with feeding gravy train or flavored cheap food? whats up with all this iams and eukanuba…

    Should you feed your dog nothing but dry dog food its whole life?

    Should you feed only 2 meals a day with no scraps or treats and only dry food? that seems pretty boring to me and would equate to a horrible life...whats wrong with feeding gravy train or flavored cheap food? whats up with all this iams and eukanuba…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should you feed your dog nothing but dry dog food its whole life?...

    • Should you feed your dog nothing but dry dog food its whole life?

      Should you feed your dog nothing but dry dog food its whole life? General Dog Discussions
      Should you feed only 2 meals a day with no scraps or treats and only dry food? that seems pretty boring to me and would equate to a horrible life...whats wrong with feeding gravy train or flavored cheap food? whats up with all this iams and eukanuba stuff that taste like cardboard?

      Should you feed your dog nothing but dry dog food its whole life?

      Should you feed your dog nothing but dry dog food its whole life? General Dog Discussions
    • u should buy the more expensive food and probably give it wet food to.i wouldnt want dry food all my life.have u ever tried iams does it really taste like card board?lol.because the cheap stuff has ingrdiant that give them kidney failure.Merry Christmas

    • I feed my dogs the same dry food everyday twice a day and they don't seem to mind. They've been eating it for 4 years now. Dogs palates aren't like humans; I do give them a dog biscuit after the eat and sometimes between meals and they are very happy.

    • dogs are just like humansif you think they dont care if they eat the same food everyday, ur wrongyou gotta give it some chicken or veggies everyonce in a while, even if its a little peice, trust me ur dog will kill over itjust type in the enternet , what i can feed my dog.

    • Treats are fine... Every once in a while I'll cook for my dogs and that will last two days. You can get freeze-dried chicken and crumble it over their food. There are plenty of things you can do to make their food less boring.

    • It depends on your dogs digestive system. Like my dog won't eat all dry food but it she doesn't she gets sick so we actually give her some plain baked meat(like chicken or beef, usually leftovers) and maybe plain veggies and a little bit of some canned dog food. Stuff like that because not too long ago and for thousands of years before that they ate nothing but scraps from humans! As long as the food isnt chocolate or onions its okay for them if not better. The only good thing about the dry food is that its convenient, but you can basically feed your dog whatever you want, be it dry food, the canned stuff, or real "human" food!

    • A steady predictable diet is good for dogs. Even when changing dry dog food brands, I do it gradually, mixing together the two types. If changes are too sudden, sometimes he throws up. Other than that, feed him love and attention and he will be fine.

    • Yes, that would be best!Especially if you don't brush your dogs' teeth. Dog-food doesn't have processed sugar and various unnatural tooth-rotting things in it. Wolves and dogs in the wild tend to have healthy digestive systems and pearly white teeth all their lives, but people-food from your table will be chock full of things that will rot their teeth unless you plan on brushing their teeth every day, which is a pain.Treats are a-ok as long as they are designed for dogs. Dog bones are always welcomed, but not real animal bones (especially not chicken bones) since those can splinter inside them and kill them.Despite their begging, dogs actually like knowing what food is theirs. Some get nervous, or even get upset stomaches, if you even try and change their dry food to another kind of dry food.... if that's the case, mix it in gradually.Quality of dogfood makes a big difference, though. Don't get DAD's brand cheap-o stuff, for example, which has sawdust in it.Clean teeth and gums (from no people scraps) a steady, predictable diet will add *years* to your dogs' lives. yay!

    • nope. Cheap food is made of poor quality meat from sick animals that did not pass inspection for human consumption, but dogs NEED good food. Never buy any food that has meat by-products, chicken or beef meal, or rendered meat listed as an ingredient. Only buy a food that has real meat listed as the first ingredient. The pet food industry is barely regulated and rendered meat can also mean euthanized shelter animals, full of the sodium phento barbitol that killed them. NOTHING is wrong with giving a HIGH QUALITY kibble supplemented with meat, some dairy, veggies, and whole grains. That is the BEST diet for your dog. Kibble is a food of convenience for us humans, not what is best for the dog. The best nutrition for ALL LIFE is obtained from fresh, unprocessed ingredients. Chicken, whole wheat noodles, carrots, and yogurt mixed up makes a tasty dish for your dog!

    • In my opinion, dogs should eat raw meat.All dogs originated from the wolf, and in the wild, all they ate was raw meat. I think it is best. You can mix it with a bit of dry food too.I feed our dogs a mix of raw mince and raw vegies, with a bit of dry mix in.

    • My dogs get dry food, natural bones and treats. Some have meat in them and some are peanut butter. I dont use canned foods, rawhide or plastic based bones. I get real (BIG) bones from the butcher. I also give my dogs chicken with rice or hamburger with rice. If we are having a turkey I will give them some of that over their dry food. So yes they get dry everyday but, not only dry.Oh and they love raw carrots and apple slices.

    • Most puppies start off with moist food and then gradually mature to dry food, which they do eat for most of their lives until they start to age and their teeth can't bite into the food any longer, then you can go back to soft food again. It does seem boring. P. S. We did feed our dog scraps, whenever there was some to share.

    • The crap you get from the grocery store is BAD, BAD, will have a very ill dog in no time at all. Urinary troubles, kidney issues, crystals in the urine, infections, renal failure, etc. Dog food should contain no BHA, BHT or ethoxyquin preservatives. No corn or by products. By feeding the corn or by products, you are feeding a filler and there is no nutritional value in fillers. The dog will have to eat more to get the RDA he needs. Table scraps can give your dog pancreatic attacks, gas, ingestion and bouts of constipation. You can feed twice a day, once a day, three times a day, just feed the amount given according to the recommended guidelines on the bag. A better quality food not only means a healthier dog, but less visits to the vet, feeding less, less waste to pick up from the many benefits. And if you compare the costs, it may seem more expensive initially,but when you are feeding less and the dog is getting a better quality, the initial costs is soon forgotten. Google the top ten dog foods and choose between one of those. Dogs do not a need a variety to be happy, trust me.

    • Boring = Horrible?I can think of much more horrible things you can do to a dog than feeding it a balanced dry food diet.As far as Gravy train and cheap stuff - how would you do if you ate nothing but McDonalds for the rest of your life? Sure, you might not be bored, but you'd be dead.

    • You want to look at the ingredients in the dry food, first of all...and make sure there are no by-products. Iams and Eukanuba still have by-products...they are not the best food you can get. Look for a "human-grade" food (all ingredients are OK for human consumption.) A couple of examples are Wysong and Innova/Evo. You will not find these in the grocery store or even Pet Smart. As far as what to feed other than dry food: dogs are very similar to people in that they are omnivores. That means that they can eat a highly variable diet, and can even be vegetarain (this is not true for cats). A well-balanced diet includes high-quality dry dog food; lean table meat (beef, chicken, fish); raw or cooked fruits and vegetables; and whole-grains. A good analogy is this: people CAN live on boxed mac and cheese day in and day out, healthy will they be and how long will they live? The key to good health is fresh air, sunshine, low stress, and good, nutritious food.